Twin Checker Players

We're enjoying every bit of summer. The Tigers are learning Chess and Checkers which I am so thrilled to see.

Here they are playing it up on a lazy summer day.


Claremont First Ward said...

Oh they are sooooooo cute. I haven't checked your you have their "birth story" posted? I'm always intriqued by these......")

Shannon said...

Too adorable, love Cracker Barrel! Is that where you ate after church? The Tigers look like they are wearing Sunday church clothes.

Carolina Mama said...

Angie, the "birth story" is on the blogging 'to write' list because like you, I enjoy reading those as well. Stay tuned. :)

Carolina Mama said...

Shannon from one Southerner to another - yes and yes. :) We did eat at Cracker Brrel after church. :) Good eats. :)

Miss Lisa said...

They look so serious and CUTE :)

Jackie said...

Great shot, Carolina Mama! They are growing up too fast...

HDMac said...

We dubbed our twin granddaughters "Pete and Repeat" as when the were first learning right and wrong, (LOL) one would do something and mommy would scold... the other overhearing this would then go and do the EXACT same thing!! lol... as grammy, I could laugh inside, but I know for mom it had/has to be frustrating sometimes!! Such a blessing and a wonderful gift from God!