New Year's Eve Fit Friday!
Happy New Year's Eve! :) Welcome 2011! :)
As a finale, I wanted this New Year's Eve Greeting to be my Fit Friday Goals and plans for 2011!
2010 was a good year, a very good year. And she did have her challenges, like the last quarter. For me, the last quarter I found my routines changing. So with a new vigor, I approach 2011 with an exciting list of Resolutions, Goals and Dreams. And everyday Routines and Habits I want to implement.
For a couple of these, they are a recommitment. Like my Diet and Exercise. I love healthy living focusing on organic, green living as well. During Winter, I have to say I have a new game plan - that I found in my Christmas stocking - The Shred! by Jillian Michaels! Sooo excited. Y'all know I love Biggest Loser, Jillian Michaels and the Shred. Well, now, it's time for me to join the party!
I'm committing to the 30 Day Shred! ♥♥♥ Excited! Can you hear me!
Also, as a Weight Watchers Member and enthusiast, I am committing to implement the Points Plus Plan! That's right, not just attend the meeting, but implement the plan! Excited again because I hear great things about the PointsPlus© Plan from members like Jennifer Hudson and Esther Crawford!
For me this entails, learning the new Points Plus plan. So I have some work to do. I will be sharing my pounds and inches lost with you! :) Want to Join me?! I'd love to work together and share together. Let me know how I can support you and I look forward to reaching goals with you in 2011!
Thank you for joining me and for another awesome year together here at Carolina Mama.
Cheers 2011!
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Interview with Katherine Brooking for Yoplait

The Color of the Year is … | BabyCenter
Are you ready for the Color of the Year for 2011!?!
I like it, I love it, It's a favorite...!
Check out the Momformation blog for the answer and many many awesome topics and blogs!
Carolina Mama Got a Christmas Present!
Carolina Mama received a great present from Santa! Her domain!
Thank you for following! Cheers!
Let Rayovac Power Your Holiday Memories - Coupon Codes
We enjoyed a White Carolina Christmas! Of course, most of the east coast experienced a White Christmas! Some say, in our area of North Carolina, it was the first since 1947. Clearly a magical Christmas!
Magical Moments.
When I think about our "magical moment" this Holiday, I think of our Christmas picture. This year's picture is one of those pictures that truly captured our spirit. It's fun, of-the-moment and whimsical - it's us!
As a mom of twins, it has never been easy to get a family of four to look at the camera all at once, so this picture in its relaxed, loving tone takes special meaning. Takes it for all of those pics when someone is not looking, eyes are shut, etc. I'll admit we had an awesome photographer help us get it right. And I'm so glad. She said, "Just hug and smile." We did. This is what she clicked. It's a memory we'll carry forever.
When we are taking the pictures, on our day-to-day "parents photographing the children," kind of way, I am glad Mountain Man remembered to "power up" our cameras with our Rayovac Rechargeable batteries for shots like these this Christmas. Rayovac Rechargeable batteries perform best in digital cameras because they can be re-charged and re-used up to 500 times — reducing waste and saving money - go green - go Rayovac!
Thanks Rayovac - we wouldn't want to have missed this.
Golden moments. Moments you want to freeze in time. Or this.
This is how the Twins see life.
Now, you too can remember to "power up" your camera with Rayovac rechargeables. Capture your Moments with these Rayovac Coupon Codes for you!
Rayovac Everyday-Use and Platinum Rechargeables offer more power, less waste and less money! take up to 300 photos per charge—that’s 8 times more than competitors’ lithium batteries.
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Disney Store Fashion Haul - Day-After Christmas Sale
Mountain Man took the Tigers for an amazing sledding adventure and I took to the day-after Christmas sale at the mall. With Twins Sons whose birthday is soon into the new year, I do what my mother taught me, shop early and on sale! No wonder my Mom was always prepared for five children on special occasions.
Here is my Disney Store Fashion Haul from the day-after Christmas sale! That's 50% OFF y'all. So for once, with twins, it really is "like two for one!" :) Check out my haul vlog:
Again the items were:
(2) Toy Story 3 Sweat Suits (Sweatshirt and Sweat Pants w/drawstring and elastic!) $7.99 each
(2) Mickey Mouse Sweat Shirts $7.99 each
(1) Lightning McQueen Sweat Pants $7.99
(1) Jack Black Sweat Pants $7.99
(2) Toy Story 3 Suit Case Roller Over-night Bags with Toy Story 3 Pillow AND Blanket! $14.99 each
(2) Toy Story 3 Breakfast plates - dishwasher safe. top rack $2.99 each
Total Disney Fashion Haul: $107.62 with Tax!
Disney Gift Card $100.00
Spent: $7.62
Happy Mama! What's your favorite Christmas haul and savings?! Please share!
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Merry Christmas from Our Family to Yours!

Great Great Wolf Lodge Giveaway!
You know how much we loved our stay at Great Wolf Lodge for the MomBloggers Event just a couple of weeks ago. Well, John Poole, Director of Sales and Marketing, GWL Charlotte/Concord, is reaching out to surprise one family for an over-night stay!!!
My video of 5 Tips for Visiting a Great Wolf Lodge should help too!
You are invited to enter to win a (1) Night Stay at the Great Wolf Lodge Charlotte/Concord, North Carolina! Contest closes at 8pm December 29th. *Please note this is for the Great Wolf Lodge Charlotte/Concord, NC only.
Enter to Win!
1) Leave a Comment saying why you want to win?! Be creative and fun!
2) Follow Great Wolf Lodge on Twitter
3) Follow Carolina Mama on Twitter
4) Follow Carolina Mama on Facebook;
5) Share on your social media channels (entry for each link!)
This may get pretty competitive - just know that there are lots of ways to win! It's so worth it! All the best! And a huge Thank You to GWL for the offering!
*I was not paid to host this Giveaway. GWL generously offered and I love to bring good things to my readers. GWL graciously hosted my family recently and I would love another family to experience that too.
Weight Watchers "I'm Dreaming of a Lite Christmas!"
When the Leader is needing a Volunteer and no one volunteers, I was game. And this is what it lead to -
Really, this is the kind of fun meetings are and I love them! Here are the lyrics - they are that funny!
"I'm Dreaming of a Lite Christmas!"
"I'm dreaming of a lite Christmas-
not like the ones I used to know;
Now "Free Fruits" are included,
so I don't feel excluded;
From snacks of buttery, sugary dough,
I'm dreaming of a lite Cnristmas
with all the Power Foods I will bite
May your bread be whole grain not white,
and your Points Plus® Chirstmases be lite!" :)
Are you a Weight Watcher Girl? Do you attend Meetings? Online? It's a blast and I love meeting all the Leaders and Members.
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Kids Wal-Mart Gift Guide for Mom
Kids Wal-Mart Gift Guide for Mom! Really here's a cute reminder of the fun and inexpensive and practical goodness waiting at Wal-Mart for Mom! That's Mom fashion made simple!
The Tigers were sold. What about your small children, do they make gifts, or buy Mom a gift? I have to say that tonight I was a little teary-eyed at the boys enthusiasm as they were hidden away in their rooms "making Christmas gifts!" Aren't those the best? And the really cool Wal-Mart finds too! Early Merry Christmas to you!
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Great Wolf Lodge Water Park: Family Fun in North Carolina
The Tigers made Mama happy by pausing for a moment by the huge Bucket that drenches all within a mile of it! (exaggeration! though it feels that way!) Can you just see the excitement on their faces!
Inside the lodge, I loved finding all of these Christmas trees in competition. They were all so festive.
Ask-A-Mom is a phenomenal community of Moms sharing all about specific Great Wolf Lodge properties. Check them out and "Share. Learn. Ask. Enjoy!" Or if you have questions you would like me to answer, feel free to ask in comments or send me an email from my contact page and I'll give my best answer or find one for you.
Fashion Friday: Video 7 Fuss-Free MomFashion Tips for Holiday
Recently, I loved getting to write as Guest Blogger for Momformation. We talked "7 Steps to Fuss-Free Holiday Fashion!" Now, I want to share with you my easy to follow steps on video. Let's make this as easy as possible because not only is it Holiday Time, it's party time! :)
Warmly, Carolina Mama
iBand at North Point Church

Great Wolf Lodge Water Park Fun!
Post, pics and video coming soon!! ;)
5 Awesome Christmas Tree Farms
Now, we're passing this tradition on to family and friends. This year, I am surprised at how many folks do not have their trees up yet. And we have friends who wanted to know what farms we have visited in the past. So here I am sharing 5 Awesome Christmas Tree Farms in North Carolina!
North Carolina has been a great source of White House Christmas Trees! How about that!
Top of the Mountain Christmas Trees West Jefferson, North Carolina I would love to choose one of these trees. In fact, I have seen farms in West Jefferson in the Summertime. :) A lot different and beautiful nonetheless.
Appalachian Evergreens, a family tradition. Appalachian Evergreens was founded in 1933 by Charles Cole "Charlie" Wilcox. In the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Western North Carolina.
As for you, what is your favorite Christmas Tree? Do you prefer real or artificial? And have you visited a tree farm?
Rayovac Battery Shopping List: Match Top Toys to Correct Batteries
You've made your list and checked it twice. You are ready.
Is it just me, there are a million different sizes of batteries. So remembering the batteries is one thing, the right thing is another.
Take the guess work out of the right size battery...
- Rayovac batteries offer more power for your money
- Check out the Rayovac Battery Guide
- Rayovac Facebook Coupons available now!
Hanes Comfort Giveaway for You
Hanes sent The Tigers new Boys Hoodie Sweatshirts just in time for Basketball Season! So the night of first practice, I looked like the cool Mom when I pulled these out along with the new tennis shoes:
Hanes is great for all-American basics. Comfort. Classic and Dependable! That's what we love about Hanes. So stock up! Hanes is having some great Sales throughout Holiday time and Free-Shipping on all orders $50 and over. I just stocked up on basics for all of us. Now you can and Enjoy!
Hanes Basics:
Hanes is Gifting one of you also! One randomly chosen Winner will receive two Hoodies for your brood.
Enter to Win:
1) Leave a Comment - what is your favorite Hanes product, or favorite you'd like to try;
2) "Like" Hanes on Facebook
3) "Like" Carolina Mama on Facebook
4) Share with your Followers through: Facebook, Twitter and your Blog.
All the best to you! What's your favorite Hanes product?! For me, it's hard to narrow it down except that I fell in love with the Hanes All-Over Comfort Convertible Strap Wirefree Bra while at BlogHer NYC! :)
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Giveaway: Win a $500 Disney Store Gift Card by Rayovac

Fear and Faith With Max Lucado and Matthew West
> Fear and Faith with Max Lucado and Matthew West
> Does fear control you? It can
> motivate you if you remember God is in control. God bless!
Great Times At Great Wolf Lodge
Getting the royal Southern treatment! Great fun, food and fellowship at the MomBloggers Event!
Check a Great Wolf Lodge Water Park for your family!
Howlin' good times to you!!
Friday Fashion Find: Quick Mom Fashion for Holiday Time
Don't let your children break the bank - yours or theirs - by buying you gifts. After all, it's the thought that counts right! So look what I found just today!
You too can find great fashion at Wal-Mart.
What are your simple Fashion Finds for Holiday time?!
Warmly, Carolina Mama
Spectrum Brands Offers you $25 Coupon Savings

You know our experience is that Rayovac batteries are so long-lasting and durable. The Tigers look for them and love them. We do too because let's face it - when the batteries last longer... so does the calm. :)
Rayovac has money saving offers on batteries and beyond to help you get started!
- You get More Power for your Money with Rayovac batteries and you can also get great discounts on other products with the $25 Coupon Book in Rayovac battery packs
- Coupon book included on select packages of Rayovac AA 24 packs and AA 30 packs good for $25 in money-saving coupons on Spectrum Brands including:
- Rayovac Rechargeables
- George Foreman grill
- Remington hair care products
- Dingo Dog Bones
- Flex360 Flashlight
- Rayovac Rechargeables
- Rayovac battery packs are available at Target, Walmart and most retailers where batteries are sold
- Remember Rayovac batteries when purchasing battery-operated holiday gifts - there is nothing like Christmas morning with a cool gift that reads batteries not included and Mom thought they were and all the stores are closed....
Hope, Visiting My Mom and Welcome To Holland
The story I do not really talk about is my sweet Mama being ill. It's a hard thing for all of us when any of our loved ones are ill. Though the Lord has revealed Himself to us throughout this journey.
Remember Katrina? Exactly - yes, 5 years ago. Well, it was the Spring of 2005 when our sweet mother took unexpectedly ill. It was a rapid decline that kept the Doctors working diligently to demystify. We heard words like Parkinson's, Alzeheimer's, and then "we need to do a brain biopsy."
This "road" started out as a hard sprint and progressed slowly down a winding road that seems much more like a marathon today. My sister would know, she is amazingly our mother's primary Care Giver. We are blessed! Please pray for our mother, sister, us.... (see end of post)
by Emily Perl Kingsley
When you're going to have a baby, it's like planning a fabulous vacation trip - to Italy. You buy a bunch of guide books and make your wonderful plans. The coliseum. The Michelangelo David. The gondolas in Venice. You may learn some handy phrases in Italian. It's all very exciting.
After months of eager anticipation, the day finally arrives. You pack your bags and off you go. Several hours later, the plane lands. The stewardess comes in and says, "Welcome To Holland".
"Holland?!?" you say, "What do you mean "Holland"??? I signed up for Italy! I'm supposed to be in Italy. All my life I've dreamed of going to Italy"
But there's been a change in the flight plan. They've landed in Holland and there you must stay.
The important thing is that they haven't taken you to a horrible, disgusting, filthy place, full of pestilence, famine and disease. It's just a different place.
So you must go and buy new guide books. And you must learn a whole new language. And you will meet a whole new group of people you would never have met.
It's just a different place. It's slower-paced than Italy, less flashy than Italy. But after you've been there for a while and you catch your breath, you look around…and you begin to notice that Holland has windmills...Holland has tulips. Holland even has Rembrandts.
But everyone you know is busy coming and going from Italy...and they're all bragging about what a wonderful time they had there. And for the rest of your life, you will say "Yes that's where I was supposed to go. That's what I had planned".
And the pain of that will never, ever, ever, ever go away...because the loss of that dream is a very significant loss.
But...if you spend your life mourning the fact that you didn't get to Italy, you may never be free to enjoy the very special, the very lovely things...about Holland.
... so this journey is our Holland. You know, we didn't "sign up for this." And yet does one ever "sign up" to lose a parent or two? A baby? A Spouse? Do we "sign up" for illness or loss or pain?
Yet, I always ask myself, if this is His will? If this is His "assignment" that He signed me up for - why would I want it any other way?
As Third Day sings, "My hope is in you, show me Your way...!" Thinks for your thoughts and prayers. Anyone else hearing "Welcome to Holland?"
Warmly, Carolina Mama