Are you a Facebook fan? Have you been for long? Right before Christmas, we joined the revolution of Facebook. And I must say, we did so more dutifully than eagerly. Actually, I wasn't eager at all.
Today I want to talk about the upside and the not so upside of Facebook and what
"Works For Me Wednesday" about Facebook in my life.
To know me, I am very social and outgoing. So I communicate naturally weather it be in person, by phone, email, or letter writing. I enjoy all of these means. Because I have written in several mediums all of my life, I love writing letters.
Am not a huge proponent of change so when the internet evolved and email. I was the last to join that revolution because I'll admit I loved my telephone conversations. And I loved my letters - writing them and receiving them.
Eventually I got the routine of email and it was a wonderful thing when Mountain Man and I were in a small town where he was at the University and everyone we knew lived in another town.
Back to Facebook, so when all the 'friending' requests kept coming, I didn't understand why these same friends already were 'friending' me. And by all means, why didn't they just email me anyway.
I did join Facebook and I have to say, it's just public email. Are people better in groups? Are most people better writing to a 'wall' than actually writing a friend. I am not sure. There is something about personal communication that I enjoy. So the whole Facebook phenomenon is a bit anticlimactic.
This isn't to even mention how time consuming it can be to set up your friends, you know, all the people in your email. Even though Facebook is done very well. They make it simple. You 'invite' your entire address book.
Never mind, that all relationships are not one and the same. So you set all of this up and then the "wall-to-wall" -writing back and forth - and there you have it. From there it is instant communication with your whole entire communications list.
So I will share quickly what I love and not so much here.What I Love about Facebook: 1) Facebook does make it run smoothly, updates, home page, profiles, etc. All are user friendly.
2) It is fun to see where everyone is;
3) You can quickly comment as much as you would like and
4) You get an email anytime something happens on your profile
Not So Much: 1) It seems so trivial
2) All relationships are not the same.
3) Right now it just seems redundant. After all I blog, I twitter, I email, I write, etc. and
4) Therefore I do not see the need to have those same relationships a.g.a.i.n in FB (yes, I know I can set up my Twitter to update on my FB. why? Twitter is not FB so why post it there. And why do people (mostly non-twitters post on FB like it is a Twitter? )
At any rate, for now, I do enjoy checking in on an email I have received and getting updated. It is simple and easy.
However, here's an update, just today I 'narrowed' (okay, deleted) twenty or so contacts from my Facebook. My relationships are not all one and the same and I did not want those communications to be.
And when I had something really exciting to share this week. I picked up the phone and called my girlfriend, another mom, right her in town, talked it all over. Then I blog about the things in life that we blog. And life is good.
Then I went and put it on Facebook. So the jury is out. I am enjoying the benefits, seeing the downside. Until then, it is good to know that my girlfriend's baby is potty training, and my cousin's baby is happy. These things otherwise, would get lost in the mass of Christmas cards and Christmas letters that attempt to convey these things.
I'll admit it, Facebook
"Works For Me Wednesday!" Does it for you? Check out Shannons WFMW and share yours.
What's your take? FB or not? Twitter? Do you prefer to keep those close family and friends separate? In the grand scheme of things, I am a blogger, writer and Tweeter ;) who "Facebooks" too. What about you?