And the Winner of the lovely Large Format Posters Canvass print is... Jewel @ CarolinaJewels! Congratulations Jewel! What fun! And a big Thank You to Large Format Posters for the Giveaway. These are beautiful.
Even though tomorrow is "Pray It Friday!" I wanted to ask you to keep in mind all of the Compassion Bloggers in India. They are doing incredible work there. Today, Spence Smith wrote such a raw effective post... to compel us all to wonder what more we can do.
Stay tuned for "Pray It Friday" tomorrow and more Giveaway fun next week. Hope you are all having an awesome week!
Let It Rain... that's right, you heard me loud and clear. I can't wait to see rain... because I saw this beauty in my mail box this week....
SunShowers Raincoat in Salsa Orange Floral. L.O.V.E. it! So rain never sounded so good.
If you know me, you know and see me in my fun raincoats. However, this one surpasses them all. I mean how could I really not favor this SunShower Floral fun over my basic khaki trench coat even though it is a London Fog.
Check out these features: Waterproof polyester twill, Sealed seams keep moisture out, Contrast lining and it's wrinkle resistant, too. And the feather weight of the microfiber feels like silk.
Believe me, in the South to have a light-weight rain coat is a dream come true. Imagine a heavy rain coat on a muggy, rainy day. Not fun. So I look forward to next week when you'll see me about town in this lovely SunShowers Raincoat. Lands' End really gets it. In fact, Lands' End rocks!
Just in case you'd rather gear up for sunny weather - check out these amazing SwimSuit price using the link below:
This week has been super charged. We've had several exciting things going on - one of which was the opportunity to be VIP Guests at the Got Milk? Kick-Off Event in the Raleigh-Durham area. The entire event was well done. If you look closely, you'll see our "Got Milk? Milk Mustaches!" Isn't that fun! It was pretty warm in that spot in the sun so I feel like it sort of melted right there. But you get the idea and it was fun to do.
It was the perfect time to fill in another field trip spot on the home school calendar before the year comes to an end. With all that milk education, the health screenings, tasting milk from local dairies and the quintessential "Got Milk?" shake, it was a full day. Of course, the Tigers loved the goodie bag. :) Lots of fun Got MIlk? goodness.
Did I mention the train ride, the carousel and the boat rides on the water! And we had the most gorgeous of Spring days to enjoy it all.
As for the Got Milk? Campaign, Katie was such a great and enthusiastic Hostess. It was educational and fun.
Here's the latest information on their next stop for the Got Milk? Campaign:
Next stop Greenville, SC:
Hyatt Regency Greenville Plaza Deck 220 North Main Street Greenville, SC 29601 Friday, May 1st (11a.m.-2p.m.)
Hope some of you can go and enjoy. Have you been to a Got Milk? event? Are you a milk drinker? And something we're a bit more cognizant of - are you drinking local milk? :)
The Noticer "... it is Caleb's father who will lead him with the very example of his own life. Caleb will watch his father closely and duplicate everything his father does. Caleb will become what his father becomes... 'I'm sure your father did the best he knew, but he also expected you to add wisdom and understanding to what he was able to impart.'" Jones of "The Noticer"
As I read The Noticer I gleaned many insights - mainly remembering to keep my own perspective - I thought of my Daddy the great Noticer. He noticed life, every second. In fact, he lived more and had more of a lasting impact than many and most who live twice his life span.
The Noticer's lead character "Jones" was mysteriously stepping in to make a difference in the lives of those who most needed it. The main thing he gave them was perspective, a perspective that made all the difference.
perspective: the interrelation in which a subject or its parts are mentally viewed ; also : point of view b: the capacity to view things in their true relations or relative importance The Noticer .
Andy Andrews has a compelling way of writing as he weaves this story in a small, Southern beach town about what matters most - people. Over and over, Jones took the time to notice people. In turn, you finish reading with a bit of that mystery and love for people all the more.
Now I have my own list of Noticers. After reading The Noticer, you'll have your own. Who do you notice ? And who are your own Noticers? All it takes is a little perspective.
"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; 3 praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; 4 that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak. 5 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person." Colossians 4:2-5
Good Morning this Friday! Thanks for coming to visit and pray on this "Pray It Friday" at this virtual prayer chain. We're seeing prayers answered and we're also staying steady as we pray through some situations.
As Believers, the Bible tells us of times like this so it should come as no surprise. However, what a blessings these families are taking a stand. We know the things taught in the public schools and the tolerance we're all asked to have. It's such a contradiction to not let Christians have their freedoms.
Of course, it is no surprise because look at Miss California in the Miss USA pageant. She was voted against for simply stating her own belief system. Do you repeatedly notice how hostile the world is about Christianity? And true Christians and followers of Christ are not hostile. Just loving. That's Jesus.
There is always much to pray about so please leave your own link and to us at your blog so we'll join together in prayer.
You know I promised more details about happenings - here's one of the most exciting ones this week. Earlier in the week, I had the privilege of attending a lovely Mom Mixer where other mommybloggers and I got to meet face-to-face in our Carolina locale. Talk about exciting.
It was a real joy to be a part of this for several reasons. The obvious is meeting mommyblogger friends in person. And it was fabulous to be a part of this Mixer sponsored by Mom Talk Radio's Maria Bailey.
We met at the amazing Primrose School At The Park. What a stellar daycare and preschool which has won many awards right here in North Carolina. The facility was incredible. Meeting Owner, Leslie Grivalski was a delight. Her team there at Primrose is outstanding. Enjoy the pictures.
Here are a couple of my own pictures - this one is a brilliant move - personal beds for the infants. None of this swapping baby germs etc.
Welcome back to the Win It Wednesday Giveaway! You're ready for that little something extra that you need to win! Today's your day and it is sponsored by the lovely!
Believe me, I was just as pleased to open my email and be a part of this Giveaway Bloggy Blast for LargeFormatPosters. Their Canvas Prints are absolutely amazing. They are museum quality. So you can have professional work in your own home.
It's your opportunity to chose one of your favorite pictures and have a special Photo on Canvas Print created just for you.
Here are the details - listen up because you get two chances to win this priceless Giveaway:
THE GIVEAWAY Prize is: (1) 16x20 Canvas Print giveaway from!
1. Enter the contest in 1 of 3 ways (or all three!) a. Leave a comment explaining how you would creatively use your (1) 16x20 Canvas Print b. Write a post on your blog linking the giveaway post and the sponsoring website c. Follow me on Twitter @carolinamama AND Tweet this Giveaway :) Each entrant can achieve triple entry in this manner.
2. Must be aware that shipping of prizes is free only in the US and Canada.
Enjoy this great Win It Wednesday Giveaway. For one lucky winner, it's one you will cherish.
Everyone is proud of Kristen and her accomplishment and we know she will serve well. After all, look at the gorgeous Carolina Tar Heel Blue Gown choice. You know, it's the big things that matter.
In all seriousness, no one should be eliminated for her conservative opinion. We all know if Miss California had answered with a liberal response to gay marriage, she would not have been voted against. She knows she's beautiful and can hold her head high for having beliefs and standing up for them. That's a beautiful thing.
Really, as we say here in the motherland, who does Perez Hilton think he is. He could stand to grow a few worthwhile convictions himself.
Nonetheless, back to the fanfare, and a huge Congratulations to the very talented Miss USA 2009 Kristen Dalton!
Any thoughts you'd like to share on this kind of judging?
Readers and Friends, Hope you have all had an awesome week and weekend.
Sometimes life gets so busy and exciting it's as if I can't type fast enough - and I type pretty quickly. So if I have let you down with my less than stellar usual daily posts, please understand. Life is good. We've been on go, in and out of town, I headed off a flu by resting 48 hours and drinking lots of orange juice, taking vitamin C and echinacea and AirBorne. We do believe in the power of AirBorne. I am a mom and teacher and what can I say, it work! especially when you take it at first symptom of a cold.
Without more ado, right now, You're Invited to National Mom's Nite Out - official Celebration of Motherhood - an exciting event that we're all looking forward to attending....
It's huge and exciting and going on e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e.! Check the website for locations in your area. And feel free to email me if you're interested in joining in the Raleigh-Durham North Carolina area. Or if you have questions, or if you need help finding another Carolina location like RealLifeBlog is hosting in the Boone, NC area. Thanks to Mom Select and BSM Media this will be an awesome event.
Look forward to seeing you then. Have an awesome week!
p.s. There are several things exciting going on right now so I will post them separately. Stay tuned.
**Am Hooked on Fridays so I am entering this post because I'm hooked on Mom's Connections like Mom's Nite Out! Are you hooked?
Welcome all to "Pray It Friday!" Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for the requests that have been made known. It has been a blessing to hear from each one as we place our home in the power of prayer.
On our little virtual prayer chain, I like to think of the verse "where two or more gathered together in my name. There am I in the midst." Amen!
1) Please join me in praying for our country - this land - the USA! 2) Please pray for President Obama that he will show signs of this Christianity he claims. 3) While we pray for our country, all please pray for all the other leaders. 4) Please pray for the Pastors and Ministers throughout this country that they would seek God's Word as a guideline not the media and popular party affiliations.
Please leave me any prayer requests you have. Feel free to use Mr. Linky and/or just an email. God Bless you each and every one as we seek Him.
That's right - that Carolina Blue Sky your looking at is one of the things I am most thankful for today. It is a flawless day. Do you wonder why I love this life?! Sort of joking, most of you know the long list of things I love about life. But seriously, look at that picture.
Now you're looking at the little things that mean a lot to Carolina Mama. It's a beautiful Spring day that feels like it should be say a Saturday. We've been in the throes of our usual days, family, homeschooling, lots of reading and mix it all up with a family hike.
Yesterday, we had a brunch with all of the ladies in my Bible study. There are say fifty of us who just concluded our study of the Life of Joseph. We had a lovely time together yesterday and one of the older ladies was laughingly telling me how nice it is that her children are grown and in college. And that her home is q.u.i.e.t. How she wishes me luck with such adorable but active boys. And how could I possibly do it!
She said it in such a way that I knew she loved it. Now, I am sure she was/is a lovely Mom and she did say she had to get used to it. However, I just do not picture myself saying that - am I strange to love this life I am living! I love being a wife and mom. Chasing these boys. Making my house a home and keeping it in ship shape. I love being with my family. I love making the amazing chicken burritos that are in the crock pot right now.
Life is good and Spring is a wonderful brisk, fresh beginning time of year and yet I am finding myself a little short on time. Times say to write, read, be quiet. The days burst forth at a steady clip here with the Tigers. And yet I love it.
Am I human? Yes, I get frazzled too. After all you know Starbucks and Chick-fil-A are my close friends mainly because it's my daily Verona Misto and my Sweet Tea now turned Iced Tea with lots of lovely Lemon that get me through the day. That the Books Psalms and Proverbs. And a daily prayer, "Father, I cannot do this! But you can! Help me Father!"
So I looked at my dear older friend and with all due respect I smiled and sweetly said, "Now you know how to pray for me!" And while you're at it remember I'm the one who loves this life I am living and I am thankful for it.
Resonate with anyone out there? Can you hear me?! :) Tell me about it.
Y'all have to hear this. I had to share the tweets on Twitter tonight. Apparently, Ashton Kutcher, yes Demi Moore's husband, has challenged Larry King's CNN to who can receive 1 Million Followers first! Isn't that a sketch!
And I have to say Larry King did a stellar job of keeping it fun and using all the Twitter lingo we all use in his come back. Game on y'all. So who you gonna Tweet!?!
Of course, I'm giving you options on who to Tweet. Make your choice:
Who knows what will happen in this race because there are two CNN Twitter's going on CNN and CNN BRK for CNN Breaking News and then someone opened up tonight, @kingsthings which doesn't stick to the rules. Larry King in the video responded to the challenge between Kutcher and CNN the network, not someone opening an account.
What do you think? Crazy. Do you Twitter? Will you join the fun?! We do silly things and serious things. In fact, Kutcher committed to buy 1000 Malaria Bed Nets for Malaria Day should he lose. UPDATE: Kutcher just said he'd give 1,000 regardless and 10,000 bed nets if he wins. Stay tuned.
Repeat Game on! As we say on Twitter, RETWEET Game on! It's a little nutty, but isn't Twitter. :) So why not mix it up a little today with my Blogger and Twitter. Now no one's missing a thing.
Would you vote? Go ahead and vote in the poll on my left side bar. And let me know if you hear any scoop on "the Million Twitter Challenge!"
Enjoy this Resurrection Hymn by Keith and Kristen Getty of Getty Music - here is someone singing it on YouTube. Go to GettyMusic for more of their music. This is great but you have to hear it from Kristen really. :) Happy Easter and Enjoy!
Because it's Easter, because He lives, here's another all time favorite of mine:
1. Earth and heaven in chorus say, Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, ye heavens, and earth reply, Alleluia!
2. Love's redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids him rise, Alleluia! Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia!
3. Lives again our glorious King, Alleluia! Where, O death, is now thy sting? Alleluia! Once he died our souls to save, Alleluia! Where's thy victory, boasting grave? Alleluia!
4. Soar we now where Christ has led, Alleluia! Following our exalted Head, Alleluia! Made like him, like him we rise, Alleluia! Ours the cross, the grave, the skies, Alleluia!
5. Hail the Lord of earth and heaven, Alleluia! Praise to thee by both be given, Alleluia! Thee we greet triumphant now, Alleluia! Hail the Resurrection, thou, Alleluia!
6. King of glory, soul of bliss, Alleluia! Everlasting life is this, Alleluia! Thee to know, thy power to prove, Alleluia! Thus to sing, and thus to love, Alleluia! Warmly,