Where are you from (can be as general as you wish)?
Sumter, South Carolina
How did you name your blog?
Well, since I am from the Palmetto State, I thought it would be a proper name. I am a Palmettogirl wherever I may live.
How did you get into blogging?
My sister-in-law started me blogging and now I am addicted! Thanks, Tracy!
What do you wish to convey on your blog?
My blog is a way for me to express and share my feelings from religion, to politics, to family and home life. Maybe in some of my blogging, I can help someone who is going through a similar situation as I am, or connect with someone who wants to share with me, what they are feeling. I also get to write about what it's like to be married to someone involved in professional sports. It's not all a glamorous life, like some might expect.
What is your favorite thing about your blog?
My favorite thing is that I am connecting with some really interesting people. We are all not as different as some may think. I also like visiting with my fellow Carolinians and Southerners. That way I feel like I'm still back home.
What is your favorite song/iTune right now?
I use my IPOD for working out and I always listen to Creed. Their music is Hard Rock/ Christian so I am jamming and getting religion at the same time. I have to have that to get a good workout. I don't really have a favorite song right now and I like a variety of music. I add music to my blog and it could be someone like Aretha Franklin (who's on there right now) to Lynyrd Skynyrd, depending on my mood.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? ;)
How about Krispy Kreme? Well, I guess I do got to Starbucks more often. I don't drink coffee, but my husband does. We go for a "date" and he gets coffee, I get hot chocolate.
Please tell us one of your favorite places in the Carolinas?
Charleston is my favorite place. I attended the College of Charleston for a couple of years. I remember riding my bike through all of the alleyways and just enjoying the beautiful homes and history of the place. I loved being in Charleston and planned on living there after college, until I met my husband.
Favorite Food?
I would have to say that my favorite food is Shrimp and Grits.
Thank you Montee. It was wonderful to get to know you more. Everyone go over and thank her in person if you haven't clicked her link above already. Get ready for next week's "Carolina Girls" - the Interview next Tuesday.
See ya before of course.
Yum! I LOVE shrimp and grits too!
Hehe... Krispy Kreme gal here! :) I agree that Charleston is such a beautiful place.
I'm another Carolina Girl - born and raised. (I did leave for college - GT). But brought a GA boy back here.
This is great getting to know other Carolina girls!
You can interview me
Southern girl here too! NC! I love Krisy Kreme and shrimp and grits!
I agree, where was Krispy Kreme? It was nice to read this interview and learn more.
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