All Eyes on New Orleans - again - And It's College Football Ya'll

On this three year anniversary of Katrina, New Orleans residents have been mandated to evacuate - again. This time 'they're ready.' As ready as you can be with a Category 4, potentially a Cat 5, Hurricane barreling at you.

And let's face it, how ready can you be for that kind of devastation. I mean the sheer breadth of Gustav is estimated at 900 miles.

All eyes on NOLA and all prayers accepted. The upswing is that College Football has officially kicked off so you know, now that LSU has beaten ASU, we can think about things like evacuating the Hurricane path. ;)

Oddly, there is a calm, more than the calm 'before the storm,' and a peace in knowing that the God of the Universe, knows the plan He has for this storm and the outcome. May we rest in that peace and blessed assurance.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

We are worried about Gustav, after seeing what the tropical storm did. Please don't let it be another Hurricane Hugo.