Congratulations to Monica @ Writer Chic! You've won the "Twins Joy" book by Susan Heim of TwinsTalk. Believe me, I think this is a great resource. And not too long ago when the Tigers were born, there were not many books dedicated to Twins. So may you and your enjoy!
There were 18 entered with the two posts and added together Monica is #16. All the best.
Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2008-12-10 05:29:25 UTC
Now to the next Giveaway, things got discombobulated over the Thanksgiving break and we have the Tanea & "She's Got Paper" Giveaway running open until next Wednesday. So enter, enter. If you entered before, you can enter again and they will be combined. Check out her site first and enjoy her talent.

Go see her goodies and let me know in your comment your favorite "paper she's got!" ;) They're beautiful. Have fun and Best Wishes in the Contest. Drawing will be next Wednesday, December 17th.
For other spectacular tips, gift ideas and shopping links, check out "Works For Me Wednesday!"
I think I'd pick "Take Note." Cute stuff! Thanks for the giveaway, even though I know #1 is the worst!! ;-)
Ok, so I actually love the Sunday Best baby one. It would make a great thank you card for my daughters first birthday in February! ;)
Those are too cute. I like the microphone one. Cute blog as well.
I love the Just As I Am notecards- too cute! Thanks for the giveaway!
Love the Just as I am.....
Very cute.
I really like the Life is a Canvas paper! Very cute
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