Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express Whitestrips - Would You Whiten?

Smiles say it all! What's in a smile... here's hoping White Teeth! :)

You know I have a Starbucks relationship. So yea, coffee, caffeine and the likes can be a challenge for white teeth! I recall a few years back, trying out the teeth whitening treatment my Dentist offered.

This was an extensive ordeal. I had to have a retainer made to fit my "current" bite and then fill it with the whitening gel.... And this left my teeth really sensitive.

Well, I am thrilled that Crest 3D White Whitestrips has invited me to their "White Would You Whiten Your Teeth For Campaign. :)

Crest 3D White 2-Hour Express Whitestrips

I'll tell you what I'll whiten for - a Women's Conference! This weekend, I'll be attending an awesome Women's retreat conference and I would and will whiten my teeth with the Crest 3D Whitestrips. They have to be great. I grew up on Crest! Crest is the Best as we used to say.

Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express Whitestrips sound perfect to whiten my teeth for the conference. Here is my Before picture.

Now, get ready for the after action. You can check them out at Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express Whitestrips What life event would you lighten your teeth for in just 2 hours with Crest 3D?

Warmly,Carolina Mama

*I am participating in the Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express Whitestrips campaign hosted by One2One Network. This post is sponsored. All opinions are 100% my own.

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