Hi All, We're hanging in there in Carolinaland. The upswing is the 'air system' this weekend worked. And we've "Got Dryness!" In this humidity that's saying something.
We may even avoid the replacement of the floors. Professionals will tell. Until then, we're happy to be home and to a quiet home - oh wait, did I just say that - quiet home! I never thought the Tigers sounded so quiet! Until Mr. Generator and Blowers moved out.
Still thinking and praying for those in the throes of Ike. That is something else.
All done holding out - we have a winner! Two winners! The winners of the Getty Music Songbook and CD!
1) The Getty Music Song Book goes to Jennifer @ "Smelling Coffee" Congratulations!
Thanks for reading and see ya'll back here soon!
2) The Lovely Getty Music CD goes to "Our Little Tongginator"Tonnga Mom! Congratulations!
Thanks to the Getty's for playing in the "Win It Wednesday!"
Here's what "Works For Me Wednesday!" The Etsy Shop!! As a busy Mama, shopping is not the priority. I love a good shopping spree. Yes! And there were days when it was all about the shopping - sort of. Now, I still have a good eye for quality and my favorite things.
However, with family life, I do not spend the time to drive around to shop upon cute shop and boutique to find an item. Enter Etsy! where you can find any manner of cuteness and product right there on their site. All of this homemade in the USA right in one spot.
So rather than load up the children, drive wherever, log onto Etsy and let me know if you find something even better than Target and an even better price. And handmade almost guarantees you that the quality will last so much longer. Plus, you get the bonus of meeting and 'conversing' with the wonderful makers of the products.
Let me know what you decide. For more awesome ideas, go to "Works For Me Wednesday!" and see what Shannon has in store there. Until then, we have our very own Etsy Giveaway going on right here....
***The New "Win It Wednesday" this week is provided by Greta @ I Love Mr. Pibb. Greta has generously offered her gorgeous Palmer Earrings! And an opportunity to win The Charley Bracelet! And just so you know, there is a Charley Necklace at her Itsy shop. Click the link above and go there and get you one. Thanks Greta!
Post your favorite piece from Greta's GL Carter Itsy Shop here and enter to win the Charley Bracelet or the Palmer Earrings. Contest until next Wednesday @ noon.
Yeah!!! I'm so excited! I've never won anything on a blog drawing before! Thanks, Carolina Mama! I'll e-mail you.
And, so glad you're drying out... I've been thinking of and praying for you...
I love Etsy and have been trying to get brave enough to start my own little Etsy shoppe. You know, you not only can get some wonderful handmade things there, but items needed to make your own stuff! I've bought fabric and buttons there, for example. The prices are always reasonable!
My favorite piece of Greta's is the Wells Necklace. Just beautiful! I love your stuff, Greta! =)
I love etsy too and could spend lots of time (and money!) there. Great tip! :)
Greta is AWESOME and I :LOVE: The Taylor Earrings!!
I love the Graham Braclet, so cute!!
I love Greta's stuff! :) The Wells Necklace is my fav!
So hard to decide! My favorite at this moment is the Riley Necklace.
My favorite is the Charley Necklace!
Decisions, decisions, I can't pick... either the Charley necklace or the Taylor earrings! All of Greta's stuff is so beautiful!
The Charley necklace and bracelet are my favorites! It was hard to choose. Everything is gorgeous!
Oohhh -- I love the Charley necklace and the Wells necklace... but it's hard to pick favorites when they're all beautiful!
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