Life is good! And I couldn't help but be amused at one of the Tigers when I went into their bedroom to do a final check before retiring myself for the evening.
Let me just say that we kind of pride ourselves in not 'overstimulating' our children as a lifestyle. Yes, there are times, moments, days. Overall, we attempt to not live on constant stimulation. With that said, here's what greeted me at the close of the day last night.
One Barney (four foot - no stimulation you know), One Curious George Pillow, Caterpillar Friend, "Lucy Belle" his webkin cat, and his Hand Gun. His Oriental Trading Handgun. ;) Then one sweet boy wrapped up in a baseball comforter sleeping like a King and solid as a rock. I am thankful.
It occurred to me, as adults, what do we wrap our hopes up i? Wherein does our security lie? What would we find in our "bed" if like a child with slept with our favorite possessions or securities? ....
May my security be in the God of heaven in whom I put my trust.
That's cute. My oldest used to line up his stuffed animals all around him on the bed. Kids can be so sweet!
That's a good question. I would hope mine would be in the Lord also.
How precious! Never undersetimate the power of Barney, webkins, and a gun! :-)
My oldest no longer sleeps with a stuffed animal... My daughters do, though, and more than one.
I have a friend who prays last thing before sleep; she often falls asleep midprayer but says at least that way she's falling asleep in His arms.
I love this post, this thought, this question. love, Love, LOVE it.
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand.
Blessings, Whitney
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