Blissdom Conference in Nashville is a special place. It is spectacular in its own right, not just because it is held in chic Nashville in the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. So for this Raleigh, North Carolina Mom Blogger to serve as a Blissdom Community Leader! Complete Bliss!
As a Mom Blogger in this community, I have watched Blissdom from the beginning and knew she had heart and soul. And I also knew I would add her to my conference agenda.
Blissdom 2011 was my first year to attend the Conference. Blissdom is like nothing else. The people are amazing and warm. The atmosphere is fun and inspiring. So this year I was moved and honored when Alli Worthington, Blissdom's CEO and Founder, asked me to be a Blissdom Community Leader.
After being completely moved to tears to be included in such an amazing group. I, without hesitation. confirmed that yes, it would be my complete delight and joy! I was ready to give 110% and put my own heart and soul into helping others enjoy Blissdom completely.

This was a perfect match for me. I love to cheer and encourage others. And I LOVE meeting others and helping them shared their dreams. And I remember the beginning days of Mom Blogging, it means a lot to have a friend. In short, I ADORED being a Community Leader and welcoming all the new Moms and bloggers to the event and then having the privilege to work closely with them in the Writing Workshops!
This was at the Meet Up for New Blissdom attendees. Look at all the people. :) It was fun to meet everyone and welcome to town.
Jen of One Moms World and I were happy-happy to see Mr. Chris Mann again! He has even improved his voice more since last year. And yes, that's him you see on The Voice! Go Chris! You've got this!
Oh, it was a big old party the first night - you can see it in our smiles. This is fun, no laundry? No dishes? No carpool? Really?! And we get to dress up and walk the red carpet!

And we got to visit with fabulous Fadra of All.Things.Fadra and other amazing ventures. She is so
fun to know. We could have talked all night.
Morning one: Having fun with Alli Worhington at the opening session! We were giddy with inspiration and good will after hearing Mr. Jon Acuff inspire! We loved our Milk Mustache with the Got Milk? Campaign.
The Hershey's Easter Bunny created us the first morning gearing us all up for Easter! We had the best time choosing Easter Basket Hershey goodies like Reese's, Malted Milk Balls and more and more. I even got a hug and a wave from the Bunny!
Then it was on to real life superstars like Tsh Oxenreider of Simple Mom. She is am amazing lady. She was so delightful to talk with a little after her session. I got to serve as a Community Leader during her workshop and it was very motivational and encouraging to talk with these other Moms and share ideas.
Blissdom is full of fun faces like Lucrea Braxton and Jenny on the Spot.
Loved catching up with them.
V-8 wowed us with their amazing smoothies and 50 calorie juice drinks. Thank you V-8 for
NO HFCS in your drinks!
Somebody slipped over to the Grand Ole Opry House! Okay, I had company. And we were so glad we did. See the end of the post. You'll see another reason why I went! :)
On the first afternoon of Blissdom, I visited the Handmade Market and loved checking out what Moms
are making - handmade! Like my friend Gussy Sews and her amazing headbands. And there was even
a Shaun Groves sighting! And since I just saw him in North Carolina last year, I didn't play the
teeny bopper who wants to paparazzi him with photos right away. I played coy, like we can talk to him later in the conference. You know, maybe we star struck fans wouldn't be so obvious.
Well, guesss what, tomorrow never came...
Rule No. 1 for Conferences:
Catch up when you see someone, don't wait! Take the opportunity.
Rule No. 2 for Conferences: You will see some people many times and others you will miss them. :(
It is hard to see everyone. So just enjoy every occasion.
Famous Footwear sent us home totally thinking about them, yes we all received these amazing and
totally comfortable Jaimie Shoes for Moms. Can I just tell you, um yes, I have worn them almost
every day I have been home. They are priceless.
Here we are Blissed Out at a fabulous and healthy - yes both! Luncheon. Thank you Centrium / for the relaxing and nurishing luncheon. And Thank You
Mr. Chris Mann - yep, as in Mr. Chris Mann of The Voice! Thanks for the Concert while
we dined! Just what Moms need! You couldn't ask for more with great friends like
One Moms World and A Mom Blog! They are the best fun!
The both was outstanding for health and wellness. We all went home with the
vitamins we needed! I could adopt this company! Mom Loves NutritionPossible! Thank you!
Thank you Glade for the most relaxing and refreshing Glade Spa where we got a sweet manicure and
much needed makeup touchups. We are loving our new Glade Expressions! Love!

Since we were feeling so YOUNG, we went ahead and partied with the fabulous Joe Jonas!
We kinda felt like we were on a Disney Cruise! Great food, friends and Joe Jonas Concert! :)
Meeting Joe Jonas wasn't enough so we fired it up with Rascal Flatts!
Yes, the Rascal Flatts sang everyone's favorites: Life Is A Highway and The Broken Road!
Basically, Blissdom spoiled us!

Back to business, I was moved to tears in the Michael Hyatt "Create Your Life Plan" session!
I knew it would be amazing because I have read his blog for years like the rest of the world.
And he truly was all that and more and sent us home with a totally new perspective and
game plan. He is offering his Life Plan FREE here. Hurry it will be a hard back book soon and no longer free.
His wife, Gail, whom I adore was there. She and I met at Blissdom last year for the first time. And saw each other at Women of Faith her win Charlotte in the Fall. So this was awesome
to see them with two of their five daughters. Look out for Mary's blog, Concious Kitchen. She is
knocking it out of the park with her enthusiasm, ideas and writing.
Seriously, there is more! I attended the much awaited for Writing Session with BabyCenter's very own Amy Graff and Scott Adler and it was something everyone should get to experience. I loved it so much and when I looked up at Michael Hyatt's session where I was serving as Community Leader, I was star struck to see Amy Graff at my table! Love, love, loved meeting her and working together ... on our Life Plan's. Nothing like meeting someone you think a lot of and you know, jumping into your Life Plan together - through the tears. I told you it was life changing. In a totally great way!
Then Friends from the eBay Parent Panel got to visit and smile with anticipation of our
eBay Headquarters visit to California in March! Talk about perfection, Mom Bloggers
in Silicon Valley. San Jose here we come!
![]() |
Jill of SingleMomOnABudget, Malise your Carolina Mama :) Danielle of ExtraordinaryMommy Jenny of JennyontheSpot and Kim of MomCosm |
See it really was Nashville! Here is our group kicking it with the Grand Old Opry folks pre-show! It was a Grand time. All the times I have been to and loved Nashville, I finally got to check this
off of my Bucket List. Really, my Dream List. That's what we used to call it.
Were you at Blissdom?! If so, please share a favorite moment!
Here I will leave you with a visual of the tranquil setting we took in each day.
We love the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. It was perfect for Blissdom! See y'all Blissdom 2013!
1 comment:
Sounds like an absolutely fabulous time! Loved seeing your pics and memories from Blissdom!
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