Horizons DHA Omega-3 Benefits and Giveaway

Here I go again loving on Colorado Companies! "Horizon milk has a milk line enhanced with DHA Omega-3, an important nutrient that helps support heart, brain and eye health."

Most people who know me or read here or follow there: Twitter and Facebook know that I love Starbucks! It's been my thing since 1992 - really!! As a Mommy, Starbucks has helped to see me through the busy days of mothering twins.

It has been such peace of mind that Starbucks carries the individual Horizon Milk for the boys. Mama can have her Iced Coffee and the Tigers can drink Horizon Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 that has awesome benefits!

So what's all the talk about DHA Omega-3 ...

Renowned Pediatrician Dr. Sears calls it a Brain Food. See his Ask Dr. Sears talks about DHA as a Brain Food article where he shares:


Fats make up sixty percent of the brain and the nerves that run every system in the body. So, it stands to reason that the better the fat in the diet, the better the brain. So, with all the fat eaten by the average American, why don't we have more geniuses in this country? The average American brain is getting enough fat, but it's not getting the right kind of fat.

Most important to brain function are the two essential fatty acids, linoleic (or omega 6) and alpha linolenic (or omega 3). These are the prime structural components of brain cell membranes and are also an important part of the enzymes within cell membranes that allow the membranes to transport valuable nutrients in and out of the cells.

Our boys love the Horizons Chocolate and Vanilla Milk. You can learn more and stay in the loop and get more information on the Horizon DHA Omega-3 Facebook page.

Follow Horizon on Twitter

You can also get Horizon Coupons for a better value:

Win one of (2) Horizons Goody Bag Giveaway! Giveaway open until March 2nd @ 8:00 pm EST. All the best!

*Easy entry - link to this post so others can learn the good news of DHA and Omega-3 and leave your link in the comments.

Goody Bag contents:

1 Red Chico Bag
1 Red SIGG water bottle (branded w/ Horizon logo)
1 Horizon soft sided lunch box
1 Horizon Rubiks Cube keychain
1 Horizon T-shirt
5 Horizon free product coupons

Extra entry for each:

"Like" Horizon on Facebook;
"Follow" Horizon on Twitter;
"Like" CarolinaMama on Facebook.

Do you children drink Horizon milk? How do you get your children fortified with DHA Omega-3?

Warmly, Carolina Mama

This post is a sponsored post in conjunction with the BabyCenter Blog Network.


MountainMan said...

That is so awesome you can now get some Omega-3 in a glass of milk! How cool is that? Great way to get the children Omega-3.

Unknown said...

We have been buying Horizon Farms milk since Walker was born! It is worth the extra little bit to us to ensure he's getting what he needs - and no hormones!! Great giveaway - hope I win!

Anonymous said...

Followed on Twitter - http://twitter.com/#!/horizondairy

Anonymous said...

Liked on FB - http://www.facebook.com/Horizon?sk=wall

Anonymous said...

I always liked you FB. :)

Anonymous said...

My kids do drink Horizon and it has been the mil I trust since I found out I was pregnant with my first child. I try my best to get them to try fish, nuts and other foods high DHA and Omegas, but their fave drink is always the easiest.

Unknown said...

I "Follow" Horizon on Twitter
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I "Like" Horizon on Facebook
(Claduia n)
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I "Like" CarolinaMama on Facebook
( claudia n)
nclaudia25 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

from time to time we drink Horizon milk at home
nclaudia 25 at yahoo dot com

Shannon said...

These things always confuse me. I learned in my exercise class that kids don't need milk after the age of 6. So should they keep drinking it or not? My older boys get their omega 3 from fish oil capsules and other foods. Right now my oldest is off of dairy for his asthma.

bukaeyes said...

I tweeted about this!

Thanks for the info!

bukaeyes said...

I like Horizon on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)

bukaeyes said...

I like Carolina Mama on Facebook (Betsy Hoff)

Jessica said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/#!/bkeepsushonest/status/42975486606970880

Jessica said...

Like Carolina Mama on FB

Jessica said...

Like Horizons on FB

Jessica said...

Follow Horizon on Twitter

Candace said...

I blogged so others can learn the good news about Horizon with DHA-Omega 3.
readysetwin at gmail dot com

Candace said...

Oops, I forgot my link in the last comment: http://cace-readysetwin.blogspot.com/2011/03/horizon-milk-now-with-dha.html

I follow Horizon on facebook.

readysetwin at gmail dot com

Candace said...

I follow Horizon Dairy on twitter.
readysetwin at gmail dot com

Candace said...

I like Carolina Mama on facebook.
readysetwin at gmail dot com

Candace said...

My kids do drink Horizon milk (chocolate is their favorite!!) They are picky eaters so I'm not sure how else they would get their DHA-Omega 3 so I give them supplements.

Thanks for the chance to win!
readysetwin at gmail dot com

Mindy said...

My kids think this is a treat at Starbucks. WOuld love to win! hallz105 at msn dot come

health quotes. said...

We have been buying Horizon Farms milk since Walker was born! I learned in my exercise class that kids don't need milk after the age of 6. So should they keep drinking it or not? My older boys get their omega 3 from fish oil capsules and other foods. Right now my oldest is off of dairy for his asthma.

Unknown said...


mellanhead74 at hotmail.com

Unknown said...

follow horizon on twitter @mellanhead

mellanhead74 at hotmail.com

Unknown said...

like horizon on fb (jd drenchek-scavo)

mellanhead74 at hotmail.com

Unknown said...

like you on fb (jd drenchek-scavo)

mellanhead74 at hotmail.com

Carolina Mama said...

Congratulations Wendy and Sue! Random.org chose numbers 2 and 4! Enjoy your Horizons Milk! Please email me your information!