
Wilbur: You’ve chosen a hallowed doorway in which to spin your webs. This was your mother’s doorway. She was loyal, brilliant, and beautiful, and she was my friend. So to you, her daughters, I pledge my friendship forever.
Narrator 1: Wilbur loved his new friends, but he missed Charlotte, too.
Narrator 2: But he knew that being friends means that no matter where life takes you, you carry a piece of that friendship with you. Then you pass it on!
It is an emotional week of reminiscing our awesome heritage here. As we watched Charlotte's Web and I was reminded of how powerful family and friends are in our lives.
These words above that end the book/play remind me of the amazing friends of my father and our dear Grandmother through these years, I've been blessed by the friends of my father. And our Bisabuela whom we just lost last year at age 97. It's a priceless gift.
It's the biggest tribute to a life well lived!
5This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 6If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth. 7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin.I John 1:5-7
We have managed to keep the reading alive through our active, traveling and sports- filled summer. Some days reading flows right into a 'quiet time.' Dare I say 'naptime' to the Tigers.
We are also really enjoying reading aloud to the boys the "Chronicles of Narnia" series. It is so good. Carolina Mama who spent a lot of her girlhood reading Nancy Drew and Little House on the Prairie is truly taking in the Narnia series. I would highly recommend it for family read aloud time. Intriguing for all!
Just take in the pictures above if you have ever asked if the Twins are different or alike? Fraternal or Identical? These reading pics say it all.
Our boys are miracles. At times they are one, at others they are polar opposites. It has been a joy like no other to raise our twin sons and witness this magic each day.
Tiger A - loves his sleep, loves imagination, and is very easy going. Loves motion - thus the need for his sleep. It's full on once those feet hit the floor.
Tiger B - loves to greet the morning dawn, ;) prefers reading than napping, loves perfection as much as possible. Loves order on his desk, reading,etc. Honestly, do boys sit and relax reading like this!
Let me know what your children do for reading and rest time. And please share how different your own children are from one another. It is fascinating.
Happy Weekend!