Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman GMA Interview is one amazing watch.
The link above is the interview by Robin Roberts. If you have read here for some time, you know I adore this awesome Christian family. I am in awe more than ever of their hope and courage in their time of tragedy in the loss of Maria. Let's remember to keep them in our prayers for many days to come. Listen to the words of this sweet mother. Amazing.
I'll leave you with the words that were given to us the morning my amazing Daddy died unexpectedly when I was an eighteen year old girl, because I know the Chapmans hold onto this verse as well:
"For we sorrow not as others who have no hope." Holy Bible
God Bless!

This was heartbreaking for so many, especially those among the China adoption community. While the Chapmans did not influence our journey to adopt, they did and do influence so many others within the international adoption community. Little Maria was less than a year older than our Tongginator. Very sad, but what an amazing family.
Wow, just a heart breaking story. You can just feel the love in that family when watching.
Thanks for the link.
I missed the interview as I had to go to work!!! I did see he was going to be on. His faith is amazing and pure. I feel for him and his family and I thank God that they are staying strong. Some things are so difficult to understand yet, we believe because our God is the God of redemption and Truth and so much more.
Thanks for visiting my blog. Please come back as often as you can. And I will be back here, too. I see you have a category "twins". I have twin granddaughters. They are the youngest in the black and white pic on the side bar on my blog! :)
hugs and blessings,
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