Go Michael Phelps! Well, like you - we too woke up to a new Michael Phelps on Sunday morning! New records, history and all things American! USA!
This coming from a girl who slightly, every so slightly recalls the Mark Spitz Olympics Record Breakers that Olympics of long ago. It is fun to live both of these phenomenons.
Carolina Mama will take it a little bit further, I also was on the Nadia Comaneci cheer leading quad as well. In fact, my little sister and I ended up in the best Gymnastics school in our state after watching this Olympics.
She can also dream of being Dorthy Hamil except in south Louisiana that is a tough dream. So my ice skating went as far as The Plaza in Lake Forest - the premiere ice skating rink 'in those days.'
Then there were the Wimbledon Days as you have been reading here, I am passing on my Wimbledon dreams to the Tigers.
Dreams dreams. A girl can dream. She can even dream big.
A lot of my dreams have come true - they just do not include many sports beyond college or in a huge say, Olympics arena.
One dream come true was "My Marine Corps Marathon 2006!" It was a lifetime dream to finish a Marathon and you know what, "I am a Marathoner!"
Dreams do come true!
What's your dream? Are the Olympics inspiring you this summer? What are you watching/your favorite Olympic Game?
wow- how awesome that you ran a marathon! I'm looking forward to running my first official 5k soon. Then look to do a 10K but a marathon- don't see it happening!!!
Do you still run?
My college roommate ran the Marine Corops Marathon in 2000. Me? Never gonna happen. But I admire you both, even though I also think y'all are CRAZY. But fit. Congrats on realizing your dream.
I live vicariously through others. I love watching Michael Phelps and the US women's gymnastics team. I watched the women's marathon also.
Oh wow girl thats great!
Beth - Always have been a runner - jogger at times. One or the other. Love it. Started running 5Ks and then 10Ks and eventually decided to go for it - my goal of completing my 1st Marathon and did it!
Best of luck on your first 5K. It's all fun!
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