Anyone else having "Lego Summer Camp" at home! I know there are major lego camps and competition and all that jazz. Here at Carolina Mama, we've got our very own Lego Camp going on. Every day is different, every day is creative, and the creations are something I would have never imagined in my childhood mind as I played in my custom made, two-story Doll House in the Easy Bake Oven with my three sisters. I'm OK with that. Don't feel deprived. And just for good measure, our older brother had his literal Pig Pen where he raised pigs for Future Farmers of America just at the end of our land by the Creek. It was storybook I tell you. The hours we spent outdoors.
This morning I was a little bit amazed at one of the Moms arenas in which I write, the talk was about "are you kid sick?" Seriously meaning sick of the children being around. Yikes. We all have our moments but really. That is one thing this blog is not about "mommy whinning!" I want to be real and anyone who knows me, knows that I am as authentic as it gets. However, my version of transparent or authentic is not whining about the life God has blessed me with and that includes my children.
Do we have challenges? Yes. Do we have our moments? Yes. Do we have to stay creative? Yes. And the list goes on, in a nutshell, we're human. However, I choose to see my children as the little blessings that they are.
Do I sound unrealistic? Too Pollyanna? What are you doing with your children this Summer for your day-to-day? We love the lazy days of Summertime. And I welcome your conversation on this. I think good conversation leads to solutions to say 'whinny' days , or challenging times. So let's talk.

I hear your heart, Carolina Mama, and whole-heartedly agree! In the scope of a life-span, our children will be with us (under our roof and our feet) for just a short amount of time, and then they'll be gone.
As I watch our children grow into tween-agers, I'm counting the years we have left, and wanting to hold on to every second! (However, I well remember the days when they were little - and I'd hide in the laundry room and turn the dryer on for a few minutes just to get some peace and quiet!) :-)
This summer, our goal is to enjoy each other while we rest, swim, play, travel, and joke around together. Whatever it is we're doing, we are doing it knowing that this time is short, and we want to make the most of it.
PS: We love legos at our house, too!
Three things that turn me off on blogs: complaining about kids, husbands and using profanity. So I totally agree with what you said. I love having my kids home in the summer. We have been at VBS this week, going to the library, visiting cousins, going to the pool, reading, going to the driving range to hit golf balls, doing field trips etc. So I am not kid sick at all. I am thoroughly enjoying them.
So you lived in Reston?? I lived there for 8 years. We moved further west past Dulles about 10 years ago. Glad you enjoyed seeing pics of your old stomping grounds. We are headed on other field trips next week so check in for another glimpse of DC!
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