It seems lately that I spill at least "one good one" each day. So you know, I figure I am not busy enough with a family to care for so I usually spill something almost daily. So yesterday when I spilled the container of fresh coffee, I look at the floor full of the little grounds and I thought Blog This!
So here you have it - Today's Spill: loose, fresh coffee grounds.
Do you have daily spills? :) Spills that you don't mind admitting to and want to share. Come on and share - it will be fun.
My theory is.... if I mop the floor SOMEONE will spill SOMETHING. It is just a fact of life.... a "momology" if you will, lol. One of the buddies just spilled a whole bowl of frosted flakes in the playroom. He said the other one made him spill it. A small fight ensued. Good times.
Sure--like an idiot I washed a cheap bath mat and clogged the drain. I opened up the drain filter and even though I had a bucket ready, the ewwwwyy gooey nasty smelly water POURED out everywhere--my daughter was frantically grabbing towels and the boys were wiping up the water by the that seemed to flow all over the kitchen. At least that made us clean the floor ;)
I spilled the cereal this morning haha
Oh do we ever have spills!
It's something different each day. Yesterday it was the dog food. Of course a couple of months ago it was the chicken toenails from the boiled chicken feet my African sons were making.
Oh how I GAGGED!!!
I spill every week. Something. It used to send me to Mars in a flash. So angry at what happened I'd be too upset to clean it up then and there. Spills spread. Beans. Water. Oil. Rice. Dog food. Yogurt. Glasses (I think probably glasses are called "Breaks" too.)
Something changed - getting upset got too uncomfortable. So now today's spills are quiet moments, "Break Moments," "Time to Take a Break Moments." Time to sit down and pick up the beans or rice or pins or tacks or paper clips ... one by one. Time to wipe down the floor again, or the counter cabinets (that's where the yogurt fell).
(I don't have children at home, if I did, all bets might be off!)
PS had a typo to clean up, so deleted the 1st post
PPS had another typo to clean up, so deleted the 2nd post
PPS copied the draft into some place big to get it clean before posting again
PPPS how about another topic "Today's Typos on Someone Else's Blog Comments!"
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