I'm a winner! I'm a winner! I just won my first ever giveaway at The Siesta Fiesta Blogroll.
When the Tigers were little, my first Bible studies as a Mommy, were Beth Moore's. It was an amazing time of my life in which God blessed me richly and showed Himself to me in mighty ways. That was back before we all blogged and had connections so instantly right here in bloggy world, and it was long before some community like say, The Siesta Fiesta Blogroll following Beth's events right now.
So now days I love the opportunity to follow along with other mommy's like me so readily. If you haven't checked them out. See those links above and enjoy. It could even be life changing!
Or lead to a Giveaway Win! I just won my very first Giveaway at the Siesta Fiesta Blog Giveaway! Thanks Kim and Patty and all. We love Target ;) and Devotionals. God Bless! P.S. If you don't win theirs, feel free to enter mine right here, most Wednesdays.
Congrats! I won a book once, and it made my week.
I'm sort of envious haha. I've never won a giveaway. :( Congratulations!!
Congrats thats great!
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