Happy New Year's Everybody! "What are you doing this New Year's Eve?!" Look at the "New" New Year's Eve Ball. Isn't it beautiful. Waterford Crystal and it is double the size of previous balls. Wow. I'm looking closely because I haven't been known to make it until midnight the last few New Year's. In fact, seven to be exact, the same number as the Twins... Just thinkin'.... ;)
We're hunkering down for more family time. Lots of games with the Tigers, "TouchDown Taco Dip" there's a shout out to my Pampered Chef friends. Love that recipe. And it is Bowl Game time. I may dream of being at the Sugar Bowl in New Orleans a little bit.
Mostly I get reflective and will be thinking about 2008 and how blessed and thankful I am and then I will look onward to 2009 with great anticipation for what God has in store in the days ahead. I'll take a little time to myself in my pensive mood to write it all down.
The Tigers will still go to bed near their bedtime. As for Mountain Man and me, we will go to bed at our usual time too. Gone are the days of staying up until midnight waiting to watch the New Year's Eve Ball drop in New York City. At least right now and that's ok. ;)
Here is a little linky fun for New Year's Eve, Times Square New York City! They really know how to celebrate in NYC. I've never spent a New Year's Eve there, have you?
What are you doing with your last eleven hours and twenty-eight minutes of 2008?
p.s. Thank you to all of my readers and friends. You are a great encouragement and blessing to me. I love visiting your blogs and interacting. I do visit each of you and appreciate you. Looking forward to the 2009. Bloggy blessings and best.