Hello Friends, Hello New Year! Can you tell I am excited about 2009. I love a New Year. You know the whole New Year's Resolution thing we talked about yesterday. There's more.
A New Year seems to get me really charged up and in super creative mode too. That is always a good fun thing. Knowing that all of my bloggy friends love to write and journal your lives, your passion, etc. I wanted to make sure you are aware of friend, Darren Rowse @ ProBlogger. He has an awesome feature article today "How To Write Fast." The article opens up talking about monetizing your blog. However, whatever your blogging goals are, the writing advice is sound. Efficiency is a good thing regardless.
Of course, content is important and she addresses how to keep content and be more speedy. I would agree. In fact, I was taught this way in undergraduate school @ the University of South Carolina and in graduate classes at the University of Colorado. And it still works today.
Here's what I would add:
1) Once you do brain storm and/or have an idea write it down then. As a writer and former Columnist, I would even say, get to the desk/laptop then. Do not wait.
While studying Creative Writing at the University of Colorado, Professor Reg Saner said, "The one thing about writers - writers write!" How right he was/is! :) Even today, I continue the habit he reinforced that year, carrying notes or 3 x 5 cards with me wherever I go. Leading into...
2) Have paper, 3 x5 cards, pen, pencil. iPhone, Blackberry, In other words, have your favorite way of getting it down so to speak.
I even keep a stationery kit by my bed for these purposes. And yes, I have been known to turn on the light during the night to get something down. Or slip into the restroom. Then that has translated to the latest time - it turned into a full blown post right there sitting on the restroom floor with my laptop in lap. Anyone else familiar with this one. and
3) The last thing I would note here is once you have that great sentence or opening line. That great phrase. If you do not translate it into a post now, go ahead. Keep it. File it and use it on a 'rainy day.' There will be a time. Or not, and that is okay because "Writer's write."
Hope this was helpful to you and your everyday writing. Let me know what you think. Any other resources you want to share.

That is so funny I found myself with an idea today while I was out and the whole thing was running through my head with no way to write tit down. Now I am having to try to recreate it.
I have writing on the brain BIG TIME right now. Must be the new year. Heh. Thanks for the timely link and advice!
Thanks for sharing this! I will check it out. Efficiency is the name of the game plus being new to blogging I would love to discover ways to make my site more appealing, informative, and content driven. Thanks again for the links.
I laughed with the whole blogging and effeciency thing! I loved this info- so I guess blogging is a serious thing? This is why I love your blog- your a professional- where as I am a ranter=)) Happy New year to ya!
Thanks for this blogging info. I plan on seriously taking in all the wisdom "problogger" has to share! James is thinking of starting a men's ministry blog and I forwarded the info to his computer, too!
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