As a mother of Twins, I love having like-minded resources to access. Believe me being a Twins Mom is like no other. There are blessings that are abundant. Recently, I had the great fortune of discovering Susan Heim at TwinsTalk.
Check out TwinsTalk especially if you have family or friends or know a mama who is a mother of twins. There is nothing like getting information, support and encouragement from another mom who has been there.
TwinsTalk works for me because I am able to get the unique information that I need and have a camaraderie like no other of other Twins Moms and families. Remember to pass along the website and have them visit Carolina Mama too for other Twins information and links from a Mama of twin sons.
Furthermore, Susan Heim of TwinsTalk has authored some great books about Twins and is giving away one right now. If you are a regular reader and are accustomed to my Giveaways. Yes, we are running this one on special... one more week. Because it is that good.
Please let your friends know and all of your twin families and connections. Checkout the TwinsTalk website and come back here and tell me one unique thing you liked there and then enter a comment and you're in. Those entered before are still registered starting with 1. Good Luck and Happy reading.
See more "Works For Me Wednesday" where the goodness continues.

I tagged you...visit my blog...it's a fun one!
Love it! I'll be passing this along to Canuck K and to Strawberry and to Ring. I refuse to befriend anymore twin parents. My daughter's birthday parties are already too crowded -- six before I even invite singletons. LOL.
Wow, where have I been. I have some catch-up reading to do! Love the pic below this post. Aren't they so adorable at this age?
I just found out last week that Carter's and Osh Kosh give twin discounts. Could string up my friend for just now telling me this little tid bit, lol. Don't have the details yet, but I will get them.
My twins are a little old for me to jump into the giveaway but I did want to thank you for supporting moms of twins.
Since I am not a mom of twins, I cam pass, but I have been enjoying catching up on your posts. :)
Shannon - yeaaa! I am like you - would love to have known that tidbit. :) Keep me posted.
Um, I love everything about that site! Onc eof my dearest friends (we've been through 6 m/c's together) is expecting twin boys in February. I'd love to give this to her...of course, I'd love to be blessed with another twin pregnancy myself, but we'll have to wait on that one a while, I think.
Shannon, I was just told by the Osh Kosh outlet in Boaz, AL, that they no longer do the Multiplicity discount. Hmmmmm.... I have TWO sets of twins, so I definitely need that extra 10% off! I understood that Carters' discount was only for triplets or more. Please share details if it is truly for twins, too! Thanks!
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