Welcome, welcome!! to this exciting time - the lovely hostess
Boo Mama's "Souptacular Crockpotalooza!" is here and just in time for the Holidays. Just in time for these down right cold Southern Nights.
My dear Aunt wrote a lot of things and she could have written
Southern Living with her amazing Oyster Stew Recipe that we grew up inhaling - almost literally. It seems from the time we were weened this Oyster Stew flowed from our bottles! Maybe shortly thereafter.
Oyster Stew by
Mrs. Paula DeenIngredients:
2 green onions, chopped, plus additional sliced green onions for garnish
2 tablespoons butter
12 ounces fresh raw oysters, undrained
1 quart half-and-half or whole milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon white pepper
1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
Crackers, for serving
Sliced green onions, for garnish
Saute onion in butter until tender. Add remaining ingredients. Cook over low heat until edges of oysters begin to curl and mixture is hot but not boiling. Serve stew with crackers and garnish with sliced green onions.
Cook Time 10 min
Level Easy
Yield 4 to 5 servings
Here is the very cool thing that I learned about just recently from
Pensieve who is a fellow Paula Deen admirer. In all of my surfing of Mrs. Deen's website, I have never noticed
the Recipe link! Y'all will see the Oyster Stew recipe that I entered into the Souptacular but you can go from there and create your own online recipe file @ PaulaDeen.com. That's almost as cool as her Hot Hoecakes!
Y'all know what that means - No More Cooking from my MacBook!! Right, no more hovering over my MacBook and hoping not to smudge butter (Paula Deen's signature ingredient :) all over my screen. I can actually file it and print it anytime. Rather than googling as I fire up the skillet.... So the Recipe Link Rocks!
One word of advice, I respectfully add my little gem of wisdom because we know Paula Deen's recipe's need "no help" - just remember on this one to be careful not to scorch the milk. It is such a small degree of heat difference between hot, hot and not boiling. So be careful there.
Don't shy away from Oysters because they are the pearl of many
New Orleans dishes and Southern dishes in general. Go ahead, try it and if you are real adventursome, kick your head back and enjoy an Oyster on the Half-Shell after you have dropped two drops of Tobasco Sauce on top. You can almost claim to be a Southerner if you follow this right of passage - and act like you l.o.v.e it! Just ask Mountain Man, he knows and he's in the Club.
Mountain Man and I were high-a-top a Rocky Mountain Colorado and still courting when Mountain Man first tried this delicacy. Talk about irony, Southern girl (eventually to become Carolina Mama) on top of the Mountain and Mountain Man eating a raw oyster... well, we've been in each other's Club ever since. And that is just a whole other post.
Okay now, come on y'all, tell me do you enjoy oysters? On the half shell? Plan on trying them? This recipe? Or do not eat things from the bottom of the sea! :)
Anyway, of all things Enjoy the Oyster Stew!