Twins Mama Managing My Time

Have you ever gotten caught up in the Day Timer game? Or should I say Day Timer Trap? It is quiet an experience. And now it is that time of year again. Is the system working. Shall we update or upgrade? What's the latest organizer? And will it really make a difference?

Well this "Works For Me Wednesday" I wanted to share my epiphany just last night at IHop having Breakfast for Dinner with "the Girls." (No we're not jumping into Senior Moments or AARP, it's just that a nice, hot breakfast Mamas sounded delightful! and it was! So much so that we're heading back next month!)

At any rate, I realized that I use my Organizer. I am a "Mom Agenda" fan and I am a Day Runner fan. And yet how often do I not feel like clunking around my planner... enter iPhone's iTouch! and Carolina Mama is one happy mommyblogger and everything else for that matter.

We were all planning our next soiree when one of the girls pulled out her iPhone to actually use the Calendar feature when it dawned on me why haven't I even tried out the feature.

Voila! Simple, as in EZ, and I loved hearing my alarms that I set go off today prior to my engagements. Very user friendly. With a high return on satisfaction!

I'd say this truly works for me Wednesday and everyday of next year if my plan continues.

Get you one and you won't be disappointed! :) Oh and that's not even talking about all the other awesome features available. Now for good measure, please share with me what you use for time management.


Grammy said...

That is great. But remember it will stay in memory for next year if not removed. I had my phone go off a year later to remind me of a bday party I went to last year.

Rae said...

I bought an iPhone for DK last Christmas. He loves it and I have dubbed it his girlfriend since it's by his side all the time (he even fell asleep with it last night)! Since my cell phone took a diet coke bath in the summer I have been using his old Treo. I hate it and must get an iPhone STAT!!

BTW, we are Apple geeks here. EVERYTHING is a Mac in our house!

Christy said...

I just use a good old fashioned calendar on my refrigerator. I hang it on the side though so it's not a public display:) This seems to work best for me because I can see it as well as the rest of the family.

I got your message about the giveaway (HOORAY!) and sent you an email with my info. Thank you so much! I will be sure to post a picture when it arrives:)

Also, the chicken divan recipe is one of our family's favorites. It is delicious!!!