Huggies InspiredMoms Inventors

Huggies MomInspired
.... Calling all Mom Inventors!

Huggies is awarding Grants to inventive Moms up to $15,000 for business product development! Really! Huggies gets it with Moms and inventions and they are supporting Motherhood.

You can sign up to be the first to enter the First Round of Submissions! Get your inventive ideas flowing! Follow the Huggies MomInspired link to be a part of this exciting new opportunity.

More companies will surely take note of Huggies excellence with Moms and let's all enjoy where this takes Moms and families who are inventive!

Are you innovative? Signing up? This is published at "Works For Me Wednesday!"


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1 comment:

Shannon said...

I used to be creative. But as a friend said "my creativity left sometime between the second and third child". :)