I Want To Delight In You

I Want To Delight In You
... Thoughts From Your Mama Long After You Are Asleep

Dear Sons,

I want to delight in you -

I want to delight in your smile;
I want to delight in your laugh;
  the way you walk into a room.

I want to delight in the every day, day in, day out;
   waking, sleeping;

Teaching, Playing, Conveying -

Even when all I feel like I ever do is teach and command and
  fail miserably, I want you to know I do delight in you;

I delight in your loves and challenges each day,
  and I love you with a love like no other love;

I love you with a zeal and joie de vive only you brought to me;
   and I cherish that life with you each day;

I cherish the life you brought to us and Daddy and I know you
  are the hardest and best thing we have ever done;

Really He has done and we're forever grateful for you.

I delight in you!  I delight in each day; the joy of raising boys.
   I delight chasing your ball, teaching and reteaching;

I delight in your favorite foods, your favorite things;
I delight in who you are!

I delight in you no matter how many times I may have to teach you
something; I delight in you no matter how much you fail or succeed;

I delight in how much you share and grow, at how much you teach me.
Your sweet smiles,

And I want you to know it forever and ever!!

I love you forever and ever Mommy!

Warmly, Carolina Mama


MountainMan said...

Great post to the love of my life. The boys/tigers are precious, aren't they? What a great poem, full of truth! Love you,
Boulder Mountain Man.

Jen @ One Moms World said...

Oh you have to frame this with their picture.... what sweet memory this will be for them. So precious.. Love it!