1) I am A New Orleans native.
2) I am One of five children
3) Same parents.
4) I am the middle child.
5) I do not have the middle-child 'syndrome' ;)
6) My parents are Southerners
7) I grew up in Louisiana my Daddy's native land
8) I live in the Carolinas my mother's native land
9) My parents were married almost 25 years
10) My Daddy died unexpectedly at the age of 46 (two days before his 47th)
11) Because of him I love words and have written since I can remember
12) As a columnist, one of my first was a tribute to my Daddy
13) I am a University of South Carolina alumni - B.A. Creative Writing
14) I am a Gamecock
15) I am a Tri Delta
16) I am a Child of God, Born-again, Bible Believing Christian
17) That has made all the difference in my life
18) My favorite color is pink
19) Pink has been my favorite color all of my life
20) I love the Beach
21) I love the Mountains
22) I love God's Creation
23) Jogging has been a life-time love
24) As a child, I took private Piano lessons for about ten years
25) Then in college, I took a year of Piano
26) Also I play the Flute
27) Love music classical, beach ;), Christian Contemporary, Eric, Clapton, The Boss ;), U2, Third Day, The Gettys
28) Love to read
29) Love writing
30) The South rocks
31) Other places do to but there is no place like home
32) I have lived in the North, South, East, West USA in my adult life
33) I lived overseas in Austria on Summer abroad - Loved Europe
34) And all things French (almost ;)
35) The French Riveria is amazing and a favorite place of mine
36) There are no beaches in the world like Florida's-Coastline
37) Paris made me fell grown up as a twentysomething girl on her first visit
38) I rode to the top of the Eiffel Tower single and s.o.l.o :)
39) Seven years later, I met the man of my dreams, Mountain Man, in Colorado
40) My mother taught me first-hand how to be a wife and homemaker
41) My father taught me first-hand how to love life - live, love, laugh & learn ;)
42) I used to go to Court with my Attorney Daddy in lieu of school if my homework was caught up ;)
43) My mother and I were so different growing up, personality-wise, and yet she liked my tenacity and joie de vive
44) Maybe "Mommy" liked the fact that I am a lot like my Daddy
45) I grew up hearing "You'll be a great lawyer, you're a chip off the old block."
46) I love expressing myself through writing and raising a family full-time way more than pursuing practicing law
47) If I had practiced law, it would have been "For Daddy"
48) When I worked Satrudays at Banana Republic, I sold Kathleen Turner a straw hat
49) I have met: Tom Brokaw, Peter Jennings, Johnny Cash, Nicole Miller - others I forget - it's not so important now but it was fun ;)
50) I chose not to interrupt John Elway's dinner to meet him - it was fun enough to sit near them - same room
51) I would love to visit President and Mrs. Bush on their Crawford Ranch ;) Still....
52) Nothings compared to meeting Mountain Man and the Twins for the first time
53) Visiting Mexico as a child, they were infatuated with my long blonde hair - my Daddy said do not be afraid
54) I played on the Basketball Team for seven years and we won lots ;)
55) In college, I won an auction to have lunch with the USC President at the ClubHouse( After my Graduation, he was indicted on embezzlement)
56) I nannied at Hilton Head Island, South Carolina the semester after Graduation
57) The real world was waiting back in New Orleans (is that the 'real world')
58) I began my first full-time job on my 25th Birthday
59) I love to run, swim, play tennis, bike, hike
60) I love snow skiing ;)
61) I once ice skated in the 1976 Olympic Arena in Innsbruck Austria where Peggy Fleming won the Gold
62) I do love my friend Starbucks - no matter
63) Love Cafe du Monde - the original cafe
64) Family is everything - through thick and thin
65) I miss my Daddy every day
66) I think God for a Christian heritage and family of believers
67) I am a Night Owl by nature ;)
68) I Love a good night's sleep
69) I love sleeping in with breakfast in bed
70) Notice the theme here
71) He lives within my heart - Believe in Salvation through Christ alone
72) Love a rainy thunderstorm
73) Ran my first Marathon - wahoo! - in 2006! Washington DC's Marine Corps Marathon
74) It was a dream come true to cross the finish line at the Iro Jima Monument that day!
75) With Mountain Man and the Tigers meeting me and crossing the line together
76) Hearing my name and city called as I finished - thanks to Mountain Man
77) Ran my first half-Marathon six months later
78) I once called a running buddy to take a jog, the next day I joined his friends and Climbed Long's Peak - 14,000er
79) Love chocolate and coffee
80) Great seafood is great
81) New Orleans will always be a charming city - and my native land
82) My first car was a Peugeot
83) The best job in the planet is raising our twin sons full-time
84) The other best job is being Mountain Man's girl!
85) The most challenging and rewarding thing I have ever done is raise our twins sons, with Mountain Man - 100% from day one
86) I can be serious and silly
87) Sometimes when I want to be serious I can be silly
88) Blogging is a blast
89) I love my "Blog Friends" - Thank you for the friendship in this journey
90) Love spending time with my family
91) Love to cook healthy and new dishes
92) Love to entertain in our home - people matter
93) I have a heart for young mothers and children
94) I love to give something crayons, coloring book, snack and such to a child in need
95) I often serve in Welcoming and Greeting
96) We love to travel
97) Love museums
98) I am writing a book that will be published in the near future
99) My life has been blessed with wonderful people in my path who have made a difference in who I am - family, friends, friends who as family, etc.
100) Life is good, God is great! I am thankful and eager to seek out and live His plan for my life/our family. My favorite Bible verse: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. " Jeremiah 29:11 My hope is in Him and that makes all the difference to me.
*** Ya'll are sweet to read. Thanks for the visit. And let me know if you post your own 100 Things about yourself. This was fun. Can you believe there's more! :) This verse Jeremiah 29:11 encourages my heart. Yet there are others and sometimes my favorite changes.
Thanks again!