We talked about her new book, "Read For The Heart." Sarah has a love for books and knowledge. It was refreshing to meet a young person who is in love with words. And she has a passion for sharing her knowledge with others.
Sarah Clarkson Author of Read For The Heart from CarolinaMama on Vimeo.
You can follow Sarah on her website at Story Formed. Again, her mother is the formidable Sally Clarkson of I Take Joy and Whole Heart Ministries.
There seems to be a theme here: The take away for me and it has been on my own heart lately - What am I doing that I can leave as a legacy? Family. My Children. There is a whole lot more to it for each of us. For me, it means something outside of myself. Something beyond products and consumerism. Something more than as our former pastor, Jeff Clark, says, "Something besides someone always serving me!" You can check out his amazing sermon on "The Gospel According to Wall Street" here.
"How do you become rich in good deeds?! Pre-determine how much you are going to give away!" Jeff Clark @church 2 Cor. 9:6
Have a blessed Sunday! Edited into "Works For Me Wednesday!" because Reading works for all of us! Follow more Whole Heart Ministries.
Have a blessed Sunday!

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