My Final
Shaklee180 Post as part of the Shaklee Blogger Program. It has been an incredible six months and most of us find it hard to believe it is over. Really, it is not over. In many ways, thanks to Shaklee180, the journey is just beginning. Here are my favorite things I LOVE about the Shaklee180 Program.
The Shaklee180 Program is healthy, nutritious and tasty! I LOVE the products are GMO-FREE, Gluten Free, no preservatives and no food dyes. Love the natural taste. Shaklee180 makes me happy!
After Shaklee180 |
Kept me focused. There is nothing like a smoothie or delicious protein meal bar to keep you focused on your health and wellness. This has been a real shift in my thinking about food. Life is busy and in the past, when we were busy, that signaled poor meal or snack choices. With Shaklee, I have a lot of support with my choices in the meal bars, smoothies and the snack bars. These are filling and nutritious. Again, they make me smile.
It Works! It has been exciting to work on a reasonable and healthy diet and exercise program that works without depraving you. I love that I have enjoyed treats and still have consistently lost weight. I am not finished with my journey. Due to my injury, my last month and a half of Shaklee180 was pretty much exercise free :( which equals a very sad face. I LOVE my exercise. Slowly, I have been able to begin again. It makes me appreciate it all the more. I am so grateful. Shaklee180 works! I was able to maintain my weight during this injury.
This is my favorite reveal. Here you go, same Nike Capris:
After Shaklee180 |
Before Shaklee180 |
Here is another before and after with the SkirtSport workout gear that I LOVE:
Though the lighting at the gym is dim, you can still see the difference in the same workout gear in the picture above and below. It looks so much better four months later. :)
After Shaklee180 6 Month Program
This picture of my family and me is a favorite of Summer. So fun and casual and skinnier! :) I know I had to say it. Feel so much better and now I can see it, too! |
So fun shopping for new clothes! Modeling a little. :) h
It is worth all of the hard work when I can enjoy a fabulous date night out with my honey.
Now for the Numbers, after 6 months on Shaklee180, I have lost:
Weight: 24.5 pounds
Hips: 5 inches
Waist: 8 inches :)
Bust: 3 inches
Arm: 1.5 inches
So I am very excited for the progress and I plan to continue with this successful way of life.
If you have any questions about Shaklee180, I am happy to help you get started.
Carolina Mama
FTC Disclosure: I am a Shaklee180 Blogger. This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating in the Shaklee Corporation blogger program. If following the weight-loss portion of the Shaklee 180™ Program you can expect to lose 1-2 pounds per week.
1 comment:
Congratulations! You look fantastic and I'm so proud of you.
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