eBay Seller Special: List Auction-style FREE

The Holiday Shopping frenzy may have caught up with some.  Holiday is the time we find ourselves with more than we need.  Never during the year is it more obvious that we need to declutter, simplify our lives and um, SELL some eBay items!  

Did you get caught off guard with your spending. You were giving, right?!  Well, now you can let eBay help you - your sale proceeds can go toward paying off your credit cards in the New Year!  And eBay has a surprise to jump start the Seller in you.

eBay just announced a 3-Day Seller Special: 
List Auction-style FREE and add Buy-It NOW for FREE.  

Now, we can all be eBay Sellers for FREE Auction-style listings and you can add the "Buy-It NOW" price for FREE. This is an awesome way to enter into the Sellers market on eBay without the listing fees. So go ahead and give yourself a chance. You might be surprised the money you can save.  Details for are on eBay.

For example:

You can list a maximum of 50,000 items as part of this Promotion on the U.S. site, www.ebay.com, eBay Motors atwww.eBayMotors.com (Parts & Accessories only), and eBay Canada at www.ebay.ca.

eBay even has a 2011 Holiday Selling Guide for you.   Let this eBay Money Makers' story inspire you and motivate you.  Or, learn more about selling your out-dated tech devices from fellow eBay Parent Panelist,  Tech Savvy Mama here. 

Find out the Best Selling Brands and Top Dollar Getters on eBay - Everything you needed to know in the eBay Tech Seller's Guide. 

Happy Selling!  And may you make your New Year's Selling goals with a little help from eBay.  And remember, with FREE Auction listings, you make more money on each sale. That's success for 2012.

Warmly,  Carolina Mama

*This post part of my eBay Parent Panelist partnership.  All the great tips are

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