Every Summer I think we can somehow capture it all - the sunshine, the rain, the sweet peaches, the sunrises, the sunsets, the beach, the mountains, etc. - in a bottle and make it last forever. This Summer has launched and run - barefoot, of course - more quickly than ever. This post is a random sharing our our Summer from the latest pictures on my iPhone. Or, Instagram. So you know, real life, no staging. :)
We savor the moments. Lots of family and friend time.
Date nights have been a lot of fun this Summer. I am thankful for any time we can get together.
The Happy Couple
Here is one of the many Sunsets that I randomly took and share because they are so beautiful and peaceful… we have spent many a Summer night watching the Sunset wherever we are. A lot of the times we are sharing a great sunset right in our own backyard, barefoot while chasing fireflies.
Our children are blessed with great friends and a fun community at our church. It helps
that the Middle School Pastor is fun and plans nights like this for the children.
My guys hanging out after wearing themselves out.
I even had a little television appearance. This was so fun to be a Guest on
My Family got to join me on the trip and we had such a great time at the
Joy Sutton Show studio.
We loved getting away to the Blue Ridge Mountains. It made us reminiscent of our
last trip to Colorado to see the Rocky Mountains.
Here is the Roanoke Star. The world's largest illuminated, man-made star! :)
It was beautiful and we even had a picnic there.
We spend a lot of time road tripping.
Our boys play a lot of Pool Basketball…we love it. We also play as a family. And yes, this year, this year 13 for our boys, they beat Mom! So they do grow up.
Our Peach Harvest kicked out our sweet Summer! We LOVED harvesting our
peaches together as a family.
They made amazing breakfasts.
My Homemade Peace Pie was so delicious and pure tasting. I used as few
ingredients and our fresh peaches, skin on and we loved it.
We shared with our incredibly kind and fun neighbors!
We all contributed - "many hands make light work."
We loved continuing our Restaurant Reviews and promoting all things North Carolina.
Fashion continues on all Summer. However, most days included my Lands' End Swimsuit and a fun BJ's or Fresh Produce Swim Coverup. Some fun Summer Fashion days like this…. yes, Tieks, always.
These are Ballet Pink.
There were even Summer days that included a little accidental dressing alike for
a Starbucks date! Including Starbucks Green! Preppy Green. Oh, Happy Day! Fashion!
Bowling with Friends!
Mom, hanging out waiting with Dad and the Boys to wrap up this fun activity! :) Fun!
Milkshakes with Friends. :) Smiles all around.
Did I say a lot of fun Summer days at the pool!
Oh, we love biking by the Lake! :)
More, family selfie fun!
Everyone voted this our best Gumbo by my Mississippi friend, Toni! Nothing like great seafood on a Summer night.
More of this fun! Can you tell I am obsessed with our boys, our Summer, Life!
This NC Life!
Our boys playing digital Chess at the Liberty Library. This was such a great experience to tour this new library and be on Liberty's campus again.
My Familia!
Here we are Peach picking' in our back yard!
Kayacking! We love being active.
More "What I Wore" Fashion! :)
NC Symphony A Night of John Williams Music. Memories of a lifetime.
My Super Summer Look.
My Birthday Cake.
Daddy spent his Father's Day weekend getting the boys their new Mountain Bikes!
Happy, happy, happy Guys!
Happy Father's Day to the awesome-est Dad was good! Great!
These faces say it all….
Thomas Road Baptist Church, Lynchburg, Virginia.
And in bright news, Starbucks changed is straw to a preppy lime green,
leaving the long lived preppy kelly green to retire. We adapted and love her. :)
More date time with my best friend. I love hanging out with him. Oh, this was a family dinner so this is taken by one of our Teens! :)
Post dinner smiles after fabulous Mexican food in Roanoke at
La Carreta's. My cousin's daughter goes to Liberty and gave us this fun
recommend. Great Mexicana and fun atmosphere.
Crazy Indoor Pool Basketball with Dad!
We loved visiting Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. Such a blessing and
high tech place. The new Library is outstanding.
My Instagram
'addiction' hobby continued throughout the Summer and I love this quote I recently found there. "Don't be afraid to be Amazing!" Andy Irwin Great quote!
My precious Cousin and her husband were in town so a fun breakfast out with one of my favorite cousins and girlfriends was a Summer morning highlight! Add a little
Flying Biscuit, Raleigh, and everyone was happy!!!
We loved canning our Peaches together! Sweet tastes of Summer.
Hope you are having a Happy Summer everyone!
Warmly, Carolina Mama