"Living With Children" Meet North Carolina's John Rosemond

John Rosemond Family

Meet my friend John Rosemond. North Carolina's Traditional Parenting - Father of Advice. :)

For quite a while, I have loved the books and advice of John Rosemond. His book, "A Family of Value" is a regular feature on my bedside table.

Here's a prelude to this week's column. It's syndicated so many of you will get it in your local newspaper. For my blogging friends:


Living With Children

John Rosemond

Copyright 2009, John K. Rosemond

"I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the 1960s to be over and done with. That destructive decade has ruled American parenting for forty years and pretty well ruined it in the process.

Before the ‘60s, parents sought child rearing advice from their elders..... "
(continue reading @ John Rosemond's Weekly Column.

You'll find lots of good things in his columns and his website and his new website named after his book Parenting By the Book - the winner of the Mom's Choice Award. Enjoy!

Who are some of your favorites? Who do you read? What are your favorite parenting sites?

[It's Friday and this is my favorite this week and it gets entered in the Hooked on Fridays party.! What's your favorite?]


  1. I love Rosemond too. I recently read his book Teen-proofing. I also really like Kevin Leman- I currently have his books- Have a New Kid by Friday and Adolescence Isn't Terminal-It Just Seems That Way!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. John Rosemond...love him!! Such common sense, basic parenting advice. I've been to hear him speak. He has such a sensible approach to parenting!!

  3. I'm a John Rosemond fan as well; I read his column religiously in the Charlotte Observer. He's probably the most down-to-earth, level-headed child expert that I've been exposed to. I've often read his column and actually yelled "YES!" when reading some of his opinions about today's children and their overpermissive parents. Let's get back to the good old days of common-sense parenting, please!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.