NC Judge, Family and Prayer

Focus on the Family

Happy Spring Y'all! Spring is another wonderful thing about the South. Hope you all are enjoying.

You've asked about the "North Carolina Judge ordering children of a bitter divorce to attend public school." Currently, they are homeschooled.

Here's what I would like to say. This leaves a great need for prayer for this family. Clearly, the children are caught in the middle of a 'bitter/nasty divorce.' Lets add this situation to our "Pray It Friday" Virtual Prayer Chain.

Regardless of where these children are schooled in the fall, the entire family needs lifting up. So often divorce and the drama that ensues is commonplace in our society. Everyone suffers, each adult and each child. God intended families to stay together. And to be happy and thrive together.

With Christ, they/we can. While we are focusing on the family I wanted to ask prayer for one of the largest supporters of family known to mankind - "Focus on the Family" .

Let's pray for Focus on the Family and the many families they encourage and support. And Marriage. Rather than tear down the family and the sanctity of marriage, they build it up everyday with their website and articles and resources available to everyone. And if you or someone you know is in need of family advice or counseling - Need family help? Call (800) A-FAMILY (232-6459).

Please share what is on your heart this week. Feel free to leave your link below and link your readers here in your own post so we can spread the Pray It Friday virtual prayer chain. Because we know Prayer Matters.


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  1. With so many things breaking down the family, I am constantly reminded of things that need prayer - thanks for the reminder.

  2. Being a brand new homeschooler (this is day 5 for us) this story has been at the forefront of my mind, since it first came out. Very sad situation. They are definitely in my prayers.

  3. Thanks for the invite to the Carolina Girls roll call! I would love to join :)

  4. Thank you so much for pointing out this situation

  5. Hey friend~ I have missed being on your blog! You are a blessing, and so is this Pray it Friday.

    I'm praying for you right now - just felt led to do so. May our Lord bless and strengthen you and give you and your family peace and rest in Him.

    With love, Jennifer


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.