Tennis Time

Spring is trying to "spring." We're looking for the sun. And soaking up the ... rain. That's okay because we know Carolina Blue will shine through soon. And we will soon have warm days for a long time. Thank heavens.

With Spring comes the fun. As soon as March Madness is over, it will be fun like swimming, biking and tennis. It's time to open up the garage and pull out the goggles, bikes and tennis balls. Speaking of which, this Works For Me Wednesday I want to share my Tennis Time Tip!

Check out these lovely Tennis Balls:

Tennis Balls - the Penn T.I.P.

It's our glorious discovery for children's tennis. If you have already discovered this, don't tell me. Just let me enjoy the wonder of discovery.

Lucky me, I found a place where I can stock up on these with the best prices. Forget about swinging by Target on the way to the Tennis Courts. whew. That is no fun. Just when The Tigers, Mountain Man and I are all geared up mentally and physically to play tennis and then oops, we need to run and get more tennis balls. No more! Voila TennisPlaza.

"The Penn T.I.P. 1 Tennis Ball is a useful ball in helping children and adults learn the basics of tennis. The unique weight, design, and composition of the ball helps players transition into using a standard tennis ball. The decreased ball speed yet consistent and predictable bounce help players learn to serve and volley."

So true! The Tigers l.o.v.e these tennis balls and Carolina Mama loves them even more. Great Tennis was had by all and we're looking to do this again this year. I just need three or two dozen. How about you? Tennis anyone? What is your favorite brand tennis ball? Are you ready for Spring activity!


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  1. That would've been so helpful for me and the kids last year! Instead I counted all the extra chasing as improved cardio!
    These will make this spring much more fun.


  2. We hit the courts from time to time. Guitar Girl was on her hs tennis team. She and her boyfriend play on Sunday afternoons. Of course, she likes the pink tennis balls!
    I've never seen these but I'm sure they're just my speed.

  3. Thanks for visiting me today. Yes, I'm proud to be a Louisiana girl! Only my little brother still lives there (our parents moved to NC a few years back) and he's a single guy, so I haven't been back in quite a long time. I sooo miss it. (Except the heat and humidity!)


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.