Cupid's XOXO and a Love Dare

Happy Valentine's Day! We have a special day planned with our Grandparents arriving today. The skies are clear - we're praying for safe flights.

Here's my little Valentine's Day garland hanging on a mirror above our fireplace. ;) It's simply charming.

If you are feeling lovey dovey this Valentine's Day, seriously if you want to do the Love Dare Challenge in your own marriage. It is awesome. Of course, it's from the ever-so-popular movie, Fireproof.

The move is so wonderful and I highly recommend seeing it with your spouse. My girlfriends are having a viewing soon and I am recommending they follow-up with the Love Dare Challenge. It is really cool. If you use the link above, they email you your Challenge each day.

It'll be great for your marriage.

Have a great weekend!


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  1. Oh i love your banner!!

    Hooray for grandparents :)

    I loved the movie Fireproof.

  2. Happy Valentine's Day!!! Thanks for the link to Love Dare... I couldn't find it online.

  3. Love the banner..Happy Heart Day to You!
    -sandy toe

  4. XOXO Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    I want to buy Fireproof. Kirk Cameron is doing great things. His sister Candace is also spreading The Word.

  5. PS ~ Hey Silly, It's me also on Twitter. I just switched my account when I changed my blog from My Journey to Kim and Her Coffee! :)

  6. We went and saw the movie with our Sunday school class when it came big date night with everyone! The movie and the Love Dare are awesome...thanks for encouraging others to do it!

    Happy Valentines Day!

  7. I am heading over to see about the Love Dare (I am late on everything these days :)) but I am lost as I have not see the movie. Ah well!


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.