Praying For Kristi Walker's Family

"...precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints." Psalm 115:16

As Mountain Man says, "It's Valentine's Eve!" And my heart is heavy today. An amazing mother in our community has 'gone home.' Though it is exciting to visualize being in Heaven, there is much sorrow. Kristi Walker was an amazing wife, mother and friend. Honestly, I've only come to know her in her illness through mutual church friends.

Just four short months ago, once she delivered her precious third child, a son, it was discovered that her seeming pregnancy discomfort was in fact, Stage 4 cancer. That was October 2008. She leaves behind three children, ages 4, 2 and 4 months.

Even though she's in Texas, Beth Moore's daughter has more details @ Baby Bangs because Amanda did know her personally. Notice less than four months.

However, as I walk into our Church, tonight for a Valentine's Day banquet with friends, I won't be able to not think about Kristi Walker Winters. As members of the same church, most likely they would be sharing this Valentine's Eve together. I'll truly cherish the night and we'll pray really earnestly for this precious family.

Please pray for this entire family, her husband, her parents, his parents and those precious children. My Bible study leader said that they have told the children and their 4 year old said, "I just can't believe Mommy is with Jesus." What big thoughts for a little girl.

Her husband is journaling this story at Caring Pages where he said just last night that they pray for a Lazurus situation in which Christ will heal Kristi in this final hour.

Your prayers are coveted. Please leave a comment that you are praying and if you link. May the Prayer Chain go eternal.
God Bless!

It's worth repeating: "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8


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  1. Thanks for posting about this.

  2. God bless this family. How horrible. :o(

  3. God bless this family. This is so horrible.

  4. Our sadness is not for Kristi but for her family. I pray that God will heal their hearts and show them that she is no longer suffering that they may in time be able to find joy in the fact that she is no longer suffering. God bless.

  5. Oh, this just breaks my heart for those precious babies she leaves behind. I'll keep her in my prayers.

  6. It's very sad for the little ones who won't remember their mommy. I will pray for peace for their family.

  7. I'm sorry to hear this. My prayers are with the family. Nonetheless, I wish you a Happy Valentines day.

  8. So Sad...............

    Happy Valentines Day!

  9. Sorry for such a sad loss in your community. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

  10. I can not imagine what all the family members are going through right will be only by the Grace of God that they will get through this. And to think such little babies are left behind who will not know their mother...or have vague memories of her.

    Praying that God will reach down and just hug them all so closely!!



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