Saturday Health and Yummy Shakes

The weekend seems to be a time of talking about all things health and beauty. Makes me reminiscent of my end of the year, 2008, "Back to Me" posts. Maybe it's time to reinstate those. Until then, I think I want yummy protein shakes. I've even heard good things about the whey protein with stevia. I even like stevia. In fact, have a drawer with a little ceramic of stevia. It is a great sugar replacement but healthier too.

The other thing I have considered doing is making a protein shake for our snacks. We've done this before and tried various protein powders. I like this one because it is a natural protein - Natural Protein Powder. Then I could make up my own recipe with fruits, etc.

The Tigers love these. And with the warm weather right around the corner, I'm in. What about you? Do you like protein shakes? Would you consider these? Or do you have a secret to share?! Let me know.


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  1. I've not done protein shakes.... but with my son growing SO fast, it would be a great snack idea! I do love Fruit Smoothies & when I get one at the Smoothie store, I love to add protein or one of the other powders. Looking forward to you getting back into this series!

  2. ok i do not like protein shakes. But I am with Kim i do love smoothies.

  3. I have made my own healthy smoothies:
    Soy milk, plain yogurt, frozen blueberries, silk tofu.
    We use stevia, too, but I didn't need it in the smoothie b/c the blueberries sweetened it enough for me. I prefer the tanginess over the sweetness anyway.


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