Weight Watchers 1 PointsPlus Dessert

Okay, so this is my favorite Summertime Dessert! Look at how colorful and fun! And oh, my goodness this is so sweet and tasty! And 1 Weight Watchers PointsPlus point! Go make this! And enjoy!

USA WW PointPlus Delight!

1) Pkg. Sugar-Free Jello
Fat Free Cool Whip
1 Pint Blueberries or any Berries

Make Jello according to directions and serve one serving of Jello with 2 T. FF Cool Whip and lots of berries!! Enjoy!!

1 PointsPlus - How about that!!!


  1. Oh, my goodness! That does look yummy!! And I am so off of my weightwatchers program! Maybe I need to get back on it!


  2. Yumm looks good. Love the patriotic look too!!


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