FREE STARBUCKS - 5 More Minutes and Gold Card Club

Honestly, I'm a self-acclaimed "Starbucker for 19 years now!"  Am also known as "Starbucks Mama and Her StarBuck-A-Roos!"  Yes, the Buck-A-Roos are BigKids now - like I said, we've been at this a WHILE! 

And I'm embracing Starbucks and Summer with them because they do cool things like this 5 Minutes More Campaign!  And I'm telling you we Americans are all about more! lol  Check out their video of 5 Minutes More and then we're back to the FREE stuff on the Gold Card! :)

Starbucks free Gold Card.

Seriously, my Starbucks Days go back to Colorado in 1992!  I'm just saying!  Then there are memories, California, Chicago, Washington, DC.  It was a beautiful day when New Orleans got their first Starbucks.
Even though I still have heart for the local New Orleans coffee like, Cafe du Monde, Community Coffee Cafe and PJ's!!  PJ's was the place in my after college "working down-town, living Uptown days!" 

Now, the world understands the why of Starbucks so I never have to explain my Starbucks love any more. Well, I'd better say rarely, because recently, I nearly had heart failure when fellow Mom Blogger and friend, Chele Chestnut let me introduce her to Starbucks for.the.first.time! Bless her!  I had no idea there were people out there still who have never darkened the doors of a brightly lit Starbucks.

Today, I thought I would make it easy for everyone.  I'm talking about the Starbucks Gold Card because I've been explainin' it a lot lately to family and friends!

1) Get one!  Order a custom made one one (or two like I did :) online for $4; or Buy a generic one, they are actually really cute; Get one in a store, too;

2) It's FREE! Just load it with whatever amount of $ you want on it.  Con.Ven.I.Ence! 

3) Sign up Online as in Register Your Card! So you get the good stuff like FREE Coffee!~

4) Use your "Gold Card" (the registered one and/or the one that is Gold that they send you) e.v.e.r.y time you go to Starbucks;

5) Use it for EACH ITEM you order; yes, if you are a patient person (and don't think what the drive-thru person behind you thinks. lol  I'm still working on this and benefit even just checking out once!)

6) Reload it Often as needed to keep getting free stuff! :)

The Gold Card benefits I like are: FREE REFILLS on COFFEE!! I love this!  Okay, y'all now don't go back into the store with your old cup.  This is for an IN STORE visit ONLY.  So worth it! I'm just saying (and doing this as I type! :)

You get FREE Syrups for your coffee.  I love Sugar-Free Hazelnut in my Hot Coffee with equal and 2%. Yummm!  Free yum!

**** The Big Daddy - Starbucks sends you a FREE Coupon for ANYTHING to Drink for every 15 Items you purchase!  Charming!  So yes, I have Coffee ON Starbucks often! 

What about you?!  Are you a Gold Card Member?  Join the Revolution! :)

Warmly,   Carolina Mama

1 comment:

  1. Would you believe there is no Starbucks anywhere need where I live??!!! The closest is in Charlotte, of course. But there is talk that the new Target in our area will have a Starbucks! That would be awesome!!



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