Why Weight Watchers Works!

Admittedly, I was one of those who always said, "No, Not Me!" "I'll never tout certain weight loss 'products' or companies because we all know it's just healthy diet and exercise that matters." You know, "Calories in, calories out!"

Of course, if it were that easy, 1/3 of Americans would not struggle with obesity and more than that with their weight in general. So yes, after becoming a Mom to Twin sons and regaining my pre-pregnancy figure and number :) back "on my own!" I have to tell you - surprisingly, it has been Weight Watchers that has walked me through living it, loving it and staying on track with my eating and the exercise!

Even though I grew up loving exercise - eating healthily all.the.time makes me love my exercise more! Something I let sway even training for and running my Marathon!

So check out Weight Watchers and this awesome video of success and see why more and more parents chose WW! And did I tell you about the Friendships!! The relationships have been awesome. I look forward to seeing my WW buddies just like I did sorority, Tri Delta Days! and Mom Bloggers and more.

Check out another great success story and why WW works!

Thanks to Wells Dairy the producer of Weight Watcher's Novelty Ice Cream who has partnered with Carolina Mama this year, 2010, I received these awesome and amazing frozen treats that are all only 2 points! Trust me thats good news and goodness in every bite!

Every months Wells Dairy Novelty WW Ice Cream sends us their awesome ice cream! Thank you Wells Dairy!

Here's what it looks like at our house when The Tigers discover "the box!" I tell you, it's better than the ice cream truck! :)

They really spoiled us this month with this chocolate heaven....

My Reasons WW Works:

1) I attend meetings and love them!
2) I track my healthy eating - on my iPhone - love it!
3) I exercise and enjoy it!

Are you a WW Fan?! What works for you? This post is published at "Not Me Monday!"


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  1. My husband and I started WW on April 7 for the first time ever. After one weigh in last Thursday, I had lost 5.5 lbs. and he lost about 7 lbs. It is so easy to do and their recipes are sooo good. Lucky you and the ice cream delivery. Very nice!

    I did my blog post on starting WW last Friday. I learned so much in just one week!

  2. Oh girl, I need to do something. I need to do something to get back on track.

    I love love love love love the WW ice cream. Too much.


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