Got Milk?! Milk the Moment North Carolina

We were recently invited to the "Got Milk?" initiative "Milk the Moment!" Healthy eating and activity habits for children.

The "Food Revolution's Jamie Oliver!" would be proud!

We had a wonderful time seeing our "Got Milk?" friends again. Katie you were missed this year. However, we are proud of "Got Milk?" and you that you were on assignment right here in Wilmington, North Carolina to encourage and award local schools for keeping healthy living options available for school children!

North Carolina believes in "Fresh Foods NOT French Fries!" And the Got Milk? Campaign supports that with their award for schools making a difference.

At any rate, here we are at the "Milk the Moment!" with our boys taking the challenge and thankfully, far succeeding, at the calisthenics. It was super fun. I loved that the Tigers had so much fun.

Not that anyone asked for my opinion, but since it's my blog, I'll go ahead with how awful I think it is that the schools are selling coca-colas, sodas of any and many varieties to the children! And they sell ice cream, cookies, chips, on any given lunch hour to the elementary school children. Sad. Moms we have to set the pace and make a difference. Call it what it is. And the more we educate our children and offer than healthy and whole foods the more they will chose them.

You can check out the Got Milk? 's Craft Corral for recycling. Do you recycle? Those trusty milk jugs and milk cartons can be used for many cool things and that helps our planet. Eating well, living well and recycling well = make the world a better place. Thanks Got Milk? for leading the charge.

Again this year, we were enthused about "Got Milk? encouraging the children to drink milk, eat a balanced diet with fruits and vegetables and to be fit. We love this campaign.

Thanks Michel! We all had a blast and are super charged for good things like "Milk the Moment!"

Is all of this overwhelming for you? We all start somewhere. Think of one thing you can do this week. What changes will you make for your family? Feel free to share in the comments or email me if you have questions. I've got a great source in Boulder Mountain Man of Eat This, Recycle That.


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