What Faith Looks Like in the Midst of Great Loss

My blog is reflecting life lately. It is not all fun and games and Giveaways and Trips! I am thankful for the other Christian moms in this community and how we can share life together even in the midst of great challenge and loss. We are not just another number, or click, we are genuine associations, colleagues and friends! What a blessing!

This email is from Melanie of Bella-Mella Andrew's Mom. In the midst of this great loss of their precious son, Andrew, the family continues to praise the Lord who gave them this son 12 years ago.

Subject: From my mom (sent by Melanie's daughter)

Dec 16, 2009
Andrew smiles in heaven now

Our beautiful, precious Andrew passed from this earth to heaven yesterday. He was scheduled to start treatment yesterday, Dec. 15, but the aggressive tumors grew too fast. He had been sleeping next to me for weeks and he woke up around 1:30 a.m. Monday morning complaining of a terrible headache. He vomited and asked to go to the hospital, knowing it was the only way to get the pain relief that he needed. A cat scan revealed that his brain was full of the cancer and there was nothing medically to be done for him. Soon he was unaware of anything, although we believe his spirit was aware of our presence.

We stayed beside him and soon family and friends gathered in his room. We prayed, cried, loved on him and told him everything we wanted him to know. We were privileged to have him in our family for 12 years.

We sang and we kissed him. He was not able to breathe on his own. After removing the breathing tube, he never even tried to breathe. Soon he was no longer with us. I lay beside him in the bed and loved him. The nurse and I bathed his body. I gave him his first bath and wanted to give him his last.

Thank you so much for your outpouring of prayer, love and support in so many ways. I will be posting pictures of Andrew at some point. They are pictures to celebrate his precious life with us. I told our children yesterday that we will always be a family of 5. Andrew just made it to heaven ahead of us but I know it won't be long until we join him there. This life is just a breath. God is good.

May we all have a faith like this. Often Christianity is made to look glamorous, and just this Sunday our pastor preached about the suffering of Christians. Christians are not immune from suffering and trials, we do have a Savior to carry us through!

Do you know Him? Please follow the links in my About column above or email me if you have questions about a personal relationship with Christ. God Bless and keep you.

*Posted at "Works For Me Wednesday!" Christ works for me and I want Him to for you as well!

Please continue to pray for @Military_Mom from yesterday's post.

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  1. Hi friend~ I love it when your blog is more about life than trips and give aways! Wasn't that a precious note from Melanie?! I know that they are being carried by the Father and are feeling His comfort and care of their family.

    Love to you and many thanks for being my first "real blog friend". I love you and thank God for the friendship we share via blogging. Have a blessed rest of the week...

  2. Melanie has so much faith! I am in awe of how she still can care for others in the midst of such pain. She's really an inspiration to us all!

    I spent last night crying about Andrew and Bryson. They were the same ages as my boys, so I guess it hit me really hard.

  3. Wow, that really hit home - I can't imagine being in her shoes, but you can tell her faith is so strong. I'm praying for this family and especially for Michelle. Thank you for sharing this story.

  4. That brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful faith that mother has. I don't know her or even who she is but I am saying a prayer for her family.

  5. Powerful!!! How much we take for granted on a daily basis.

  6. I was so sorry to hear that Andrew passed away! My heart just breaks for Melanie and her precious family! She has been such a sincere and true Woman of Faith through this trial. She has been an inspiration to me and I am sure so many others! ...And to praise God in the midst of her great pain! I am amazed at her strength, and pray that God will continue to sustain her stength in the days ahead!

    I think your words in this post are precious and pleasing in His sight, and I thank you for sharing them. I posted a notice that Andrew had passed away on my blog today, too, but couldn't find just the right words to go along with it. I just pray that hearts will be touched and changed because of Melanie, dear Andrew, and her family, and the testimony they have so valiantly lived, ...and for that we can all give God the praise and glory!

    ~hugs, Rhonda


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