Prayer Warriors Arise - These Families Need Your Prayers

Friends you know our community - the mom blogging community is a whole lot of fun. We're not only fun but we have been blessed with amazing friendships and connections, too. Some of you have been praying along with us for Melanie's sweet son, Andrew. Please see the update below.

Also, a new friend, Shellie, on one of my mommy blogging teams, just lost her precious 2 year old son. Please read and pray along for these families in this time and especially at Christmastime. God Bless you! And in the words of Shellie herself, "Hug your children closely!"

URGENT! From Bella Mella's friend Lisa Chats regarding "Praying for Andrew!"

Bloggy Friends!! Please pray for Andrew right now. I just received a text from Melanie and the doctors don't give Andrew much time. Maybe hours.

We know who holds time in His hands. We know who numbers Andrew's days and has his life planned out from beginning to end. We long to see Andrew experience the goodness of the Lord and complete healing in the land of the living! We are asking for Andrew's healing. A healing that will be used for God's glory, spreading His fame everywhere, all over the earth! I am praying that God will rise with healing in his wings and Andrew will go out and skate like Tony Hawk on steroids!! Let's stand together in victory. Andrew's victory. Melanie's victory. The Lord's victory. Amen!

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. Malachi 4:2

Also, please pray for Shellie and Family in Florida - they lost their 2 year old Baby today due to a pool accident.... unspeakable.


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  1. I am praying! Was awake through the night praying for both of these families. Oh, how I pray that the Lord will show Himself mighty in both situations!



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