School Days and IHOP Free Kids Meals

Third Grade! Hold me up someone, they're in the 3rd Grade. And just so you know, the Third Grade Rocks! :) Here's their telling it like it is on the First Day of School 2009:

It's tradition! And here in The South, we take our traditions seriously. So on our first day of school, we headed back to our local IHOP to celebrate Back to School! Much to my delight, IHOP Is hosting "Free Kids Meals!" with and adult entree. Dinner just got cheaper! I love when things come together like that - something we would order any way and it was FREE.

Who knew, Horton Hears a Who? made its way to IHOP. Check out these "WhoCakes!"

I found the details for you on line already at the IHOP at the Los Angeles News.

We're off to another great school year. What do you do to celebrate the new school year? Has anyone eaten these "WhoCakes!" and lived to tell? :)


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  1. Look at how much they are growing. This is our 1st year of homeschooling. I have no traditions yet. I'm waiting on math curriculum, then we will get started, I'm looking at Sept 8th as our start date.

    The Horten cakes... um... look like they would be enough for an entire class of kids! Wow!

  2. The kids look great. Hmmmm, traditions? I guess just allot of pictures. One being, right in front of the bus as it pulls up. Dropped that one for middle school though.....gotta be cool. ;) The Who Cakes, however, let's just say a little scary, lol. (can't imagine they fall within a proper calorie breakfast, haha)

  3. For the record, the "WhoCakes!" are over the top in my Weight Watcher GIrl opinion. Just saying. ;)

  4. Love any excuse to have breakfast for dinner :-)

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