Miracle Brownies Via Weight Watchers Girl

Miracle Brownies
(Weight Watchers Points 2)

1 Box Truffle Brownie Mix (Trader Joe's or your favorite)
1 can Bush's Black Beans (Blended in food processor with 1 T. of water)
1 T. Tropical Traditions Virgin Coconut Oil

After blending the beans, stir into the brownie mix with the coconut oil. Spread in pan and bake as directed on box. Then enjoy the "Oh my word these are amazing!" Brownies! Because they are so healthy, I am naming them Miracle Brownies! They are a miracle and it sounded a lot more appetizing than Black Bean Brownies or Weight Watchers Brownies. Even though they are both of those things, they are tasty, delicious, miracle brownies.

This is part of Jen's Tasty Tuesday! What's tasty at your house this week?


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  1. Oh my! I'll have to think about that before I wake up wanting to eat beans in my brownies! :-)

  2. I've seen you post about the coconut oil and I was wondering does it give things the flavor of coconut? Thank you.

  3. Hi Bobbi, There is a subtle hint only of coconut and that may just be my imagination. We've used it for salmon and it tastes like olive oil. On the brownies, I felt like I could taste it.


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