Spring Reading Favorite

His Name Is Jesus

"He was, at once, Divine and Human. Common yet Extraordinary."
Max Lucado's "His Name Is Jesus

What a perfect time of year to receive the latest Max Lucado book, His Name is Jesus. The Promise of God's Love Fulfilled (Hardcover and Gift Boxed). It is a lovely story from the birth of Jesus through his Resurrection. Just ideal for Easter.

It is truly a toss up as to which is most intriguing - the amazing art work or Max Lucado's eloquent words. He wrote this so well and fresh.

Divided into five sections: 1) His Birth, 2) His Mission, 3) His Death, 4) His Resurrection, and 5) His Legacy.

Our whole family cannot put the book down. Reading time, the Tigers are trying to decide who 'gets' it. They settle on reading to each other from it. At bedtime, we all huddle around and look at the generous pictures.

What are you reading? What are your favorite Boxed Gift books? (I made that little term up. You get the idea.)


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  1. Hi Mama! Thanks for your nice comments over at my place, and adding me to your prayer list. I guess I'll be reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting" again, although I may need the updated version! ;o) And you're right, Go Heels! Poor Duke. Villanova was tough last night.

  2. i am such a huge huge fan of Max Lucado's!!

    @tardevil congrats!!!

  3. I may have to check this one out. I enjoy Max Lucado. Simplistic and powerful writings and devotions he does. Thanks for sharing this and I'm glad your family is enjoying it.

    I'm about to begin Never Give Up by Joyce Meyer. I'm a book person so I'm really in the midst of a few but NONE come before the Word in which I've been down deep in Deuteronomy again.

    Take care sister. I pray all is well with you.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.