Twins Mamas Talk and Yielding

My girlfriend, another Twins Mama, and I went out the other night for our usual mommy-time. Over dinner, we were talking twins. She is a real treat because she is fun and a challenge to me and we have loads in common with our children.

Admittedly, it is something for me to catch a glimpse of myself being the mom with children older than my friend. Usually, I am the mom with the youngest children - thus I get all of the advice and attention from my friends.

My girlfriend has three children three and under. She actually had three two and under that first year. I love hearing about her twin girls that just turned a year old. And then the stories of her boy - smiles for sweet boys - make me laugh. I know my "Cherubs" seem so much older to her. I remember those days when a child four or five was considered older to me. Nonetheless, it is fun to look and listen to the stages we just 'survived.'

It was a funny, laugh loudly story there at the restaurant listening about her son attempting to 'give up' the binky (his pacifier). Oh, I remember those days. We did not rush the boys out of this stage. I do not think we rush anything. You see, getting to 'parent' each stage once. You hold the moments and cherish them.

Well, my friend's little tike was planning to give up the pacy for Christmas. He was going to give it to Jesus since Jesus has given us so much. This sounded so wonderful... until the short story, they had almost given it up by default when he lost it. Then pacy was found so it came to 'what to do?'

Mama had the brilliant idea to cut off the pacy that was aging anyway and let him hold the pacy. When little tike figured he could attempt to use the pacy - he did. Frustrated as any little three year old would be, he realized he couldn't use the 'broken pacy.'

He threw the pacy out of the bed and said this classic line - "Just go ahead and give it to Jesus, it's broken anyway!" Did you hear him, "Just go ahead and give it to Jesus, it's broken anyway!"

It hit me like an Ole Miss tackle ;) "Just go ahead and give it to Jesus, it's broken anyway!" ... isn't that the way we live out our Christianity sometimes. God helping us not always. Yet, really, we hold on, we turn the other way, we do it our way, and then when we've exhausted our resources and tried doing things our way, we finally, once we're broken from all the withholding, we suddenly say, 'God you can have it, take my life.' In reality what we're saying is, "It's broken you can have it Jesus."

I just want to learn from this little three year old, to just go ahead and yield to Him because Him plan is way better than mine (i.e. the broken pacy.). I want to yield to Him when He sees fit, not when I've exhausted all my resources. Okay, sisters, feel free to hold me accountable to that!

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,[a] who[b] have been called according to his purpose."
Romans 8:28


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  1. Great story and lesson. Thanks!

  2. Wow it goes so fast! Everyone told me that and it rings true now. Fun stuff.

  3. Good story, that could be a Sunday School lesson, lol.

    Thank goodness only L took a pacy and not the other three. But he basically gave it up on his own when he was 2 1/2 no fighting or anything. Like you said the key is to NOT rush them.

  4. Isn't that true? All things will work together for good....If we can remember he has our best at heart the other seems more natural! Thank you Carolina Mama!

  5. Made me chuckle. A great analogy.

  6. What a wonderful truth and great illustration! I'm writing that one down and plan on using that in teaching! :-)

    Love to you...


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