Remembering Our Bisabuela

Memory is the diary that we all carry about with us.
Oscar Wilde

Our Sweet Bisabuela - Tigers' Great Grandmother's birthday. It is our second without her here. Tonight I mentioned it to everyone how today was Bisabuella's birthday. And I said, let's celebrate her by all sharing a memory we have of her.

One of the Tiger A bolted up the stairs. In a flash he was back and he burst out reading a very neatly and lovingly written note card she had sent him in her last years. She lived to be 97 1/2 so it amazes us all how much she did every day.

As my Uncle says, she was "A sign and a wonder!" And we think of her almost daily. She blessed us with memories to last until heaven, enough love for this life and a sweetness and spiritual heritage that cannot be shaken. Family roots and love for a lifetime. We are blessed and thankful.

Here are a couple of pictures from her last visit to see us. She flew from Colorado to visit us just three years before she died. She was 94 1/2. Fortunately, we saw her every six months or so thereafter. So we are thankful we all have plenty of memories with her and particularly that she lived long enough for the boys to really remember her.

See ya soon Bisabuela!


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  1. how sweet. that's awesome that she lived such a long active life! i'm sure she is very missed though.

  2. What precious memories for your boys! And darling pictures! Hope it is a special day of remembering...

  3. How sweet! I know you will miss her and never forget her!


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