Sunday - And the Next Generation

This Sunday, I wanted to just tell you I"m having big thoughts. Sobering and yet exciting thoughts.

Today was my day to take Tiger A out on a date. It is something we don't do enough and when we do, we're always glad. His choice was China Town.

In the everyday of motherhood, I don't always think a whole lot about the future. My actions think of and work toward the future but as for my thoughts, I am typically busy with the mental "To Do" list, in conversation with my family and in general, living and loving life.

Recently, I took pause, we were reading about the Reformation. The boys took a special interest in the life of Martin Luther. I was enjoying our reading because quite frankly, I didn't recall a lot of these details myself. I knew the men of the Reformation made it possible for us to know Christianity as we do today.

Yet, in my little world, I have tucked away the hard truth that some of these very men were martyered for their faith. Burned at the stake. Yikes. And more. So my instinct was to not even read this reality to the boys. They encouraged me to read and wanted to know the story.

I'll never forget when we finished the story of Martin Luther who was burned at the stake for his Christian belief and faith. I was in tears, and the boys - my Cherubs - Tiger A said, "Mommy, I want to live like that." Brilliant I thought, if only we would. Wow, son, um, gulp, what did you just say?.. and Tiger B said, "Yes, Mommy, I want to tell people about Jesus like that in Africa." The other replied, "In China." I almost have supressed the memory, one of the boys said, "I want to do that." It is almost too much for a mother to bear. My child a missionary?

Ever since that day last Fall, I have had an acute awareness that this is, these boys - my Cherbs/the Tigers, my Twin sons - they are the next Generation. "The hand that rocks the cradle does rule the world."

Since then, I have wondered, Did Billy Graham's mother know he would be the great Evangelist? Or did Dwight L. Moody's mother know he would go on to establish Moody Bible Institute? Even Barbara Bush, do you think she knew her crush at age sixteen would be President one day? Or that their son, George W., would be President - a two term President?

Call me serious, or intense, it is a humbling thought to think what these boys will be called to do in this life. Furthermore, that I am called to mother them along the way.

So when we walked into China Town today, it was exquisite, the Cherry Blossoms reminded us of D.C., the etchings had us long for the Great Wall of China and the food was quite amazing. My son loved it and felt extremely at home here. He loved his choice for his 'date' with Mommy. He loved the enormous quality and quantity of foods he saw. I explained what a buffet was and he reminded me we had been to the Pizza one with Daddy on Father's Day. :)

As he and the Owner talked about his possibly becoming an Restauranter one day. Then he reminded me again of how much he "just loves China." Of course, he adores and cared for so well his new cousin from China when she arrived a couple of years ago. This mama couldn't help but wonder what it this all came true? What if one day we would see him as a Missionary to China. And if that were to occur, what will our world look like on that day .

When President Ford died, the Commentators discussed how his mother related the story of Young Gerald Ford always the tow-head tussling about in the tot-lot as a child. She sat on the sideline attempting to befriend the other mothers as her strong-willed child creative child was not making friends. This story grabbed my heart that morning in 2006, when I too was chasing a tow-headed tot around the playground. We've been told their strength is a gift. That day I began to understand and see it that way.

Really I am not trying to see God's hand prematurely. I am just wanting to stay aware of God's great call on my own life as well and am taking a moment to realize this is the next Generation.

And I take this job seriously each day weather I am parenting a President, a Missionary, a Restauranter. Or even a Vetenarian because that's something Tiger A talks about almost every day now.

"God does not comfort us to make us comfortable but to make us comforters." J.H. Jowett

May we be comfortable seeking His plan for our lives.



  1. being a mom is such an awe inspiring calling, one we probably don't think about enough!! Thank you for the beautiful reminder.

  2. Lovely post!

    My daughter is called to be a medical missionary in Africa. Both scary and exhilarating. I want to guide her, and my boys, in the way that God would have me do it. For now and for the future!

  3. That is so touching and a very good indication of they way they were raised. Well done.

  4. This one touched me deeply... and not just cuz you mentioned China. :) Thank you for sharing such wise words.

  5. Wow! An awesome post! Sounds like you've got 2 smart kids that already have their sites on "higher" things!



  6. I love your words today! I pray that as my little one grows, she will be so aware of her surroundings that she is moved to make a change in our world.

  7. My daughter has always talked about becoming a veterinarian, although she is only 7, the girl is quite determined. So we will son.

    My son, however, has no idea what he wants to "be". He is fascinated with foreign languages especially Japanese. So who knows what he will do.

    Such a great post.

  8. That is precious! Just the thought of sending your babies off to foreign soil is a sobering thought (gulp). There is no telling what precious seeds God has planted in their little hearts!

    Thank you for sharing with us!

  9. Thanks for sharing this, and how awesome that your young children already have such a heart for the lost. Loved reading this!

  10. I love how you're speaking life into your children! When my 16 year old was little, I used to read to her "Designed By God So I Must Be Special". She still has that book. How truly blessed your children are to have you to teach them that God designed them for a unique purpose in life! Thank you for sharing.


Thanks for visiting today. It's great to hear from you. And have an awesome day.