Saturday Health and Beauty Goodness

Since the entire country is experiencing 'frigid' temperatures and all manner of Winter madness, I thought it might brighten our Saturday to talk about Health and Beauty. Want Health and Beauty for the whole family all in one place, or are you wanting Bath and Body products.

With 8 degrees the past two nights and the rest of the country freezing as well, I thought I would pass on this secret, the Clinique Deep Comfort Body Butter.

As former Estee Lauder manager, I can tell you this butter is to die for especially in the middle of winter. And is it working? ? ;)

What do you use to clear away the doldrums during Winter?


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  1. This looks great, gonna have to check it out. I also love Dubya, always will. He was just himself, and a great Southern President. Seems to be Godly man. The market made a decent bounce two weeks ago and we sold several thousands of bushels and will hopefully have something left to live off of this year after we pay everyone for last year. Then we turn around and do it all again, lol.

  2. Happy Saturday!
    This stuff sounds great! Going to have to try it.

  3. Just dropping by to say "Hi" and thanks for the body butter!!!
    I'm another Carolina Girl and all 3 of my daughter's blog too!!

  4. I love that body butter too! I like to take a long hot bath in winter. I light the candles around the tub, put on some nice music. I use The Gingerbread Man scrub from Philosophy. It's lovely.

  5. Hey Carolina Mama! I have missed your blog SO much! Been busy around here and am now getting to some of my favorites. I've enjoyed every one of your posts! The boys and the Sesame Street characters are so cute! I can't believe they'll be 8 soon. There's just something about an 8 year old boy... something takes them over, and they become funny, crude, and all boy! :-)

    Love you, friend...

    PS: I've been using a lot of Mary Kay Satin Lips (mask and balm) these days - really helps keep the kisser kissable. :-)

  6. oooh I love stuff like that but I always have to buy it in a 5gal bucket and it gets costly!LOL! I just EL!

  7. Darn it, I just went and bought new makeup and I would have bought this too! I have the worst dry skin in the world. Thanks for the tip! :)

  8. I will definitely give it a try!! My skin does get dry quick.

    Please stop by and visit my blog. I have a recipe for exfoliating and its homemade.

    Kathy :)

  9. LOVE to the "Gardener's Hand Therapy" from Crabtree and Evelyn. It's in an old fashioned metal type tube (like an old salve would come it). The smell is fresh but the creme is really great on your hands.

  10. Oh, this stuff looks amazing! The air is really dry around here, so this looks like something worth trying.


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