Doing the Love Dare Challenge

Carolina Girls - Carolina Mamas, We're keeping the Rollcall going here. Sign up now.

One thing I want to super focus on this year is my marriage. I am blessed beyond measure with the wonderful, husband that I believe God designed just for me. After ten quick years of marriage, and two little twin boys, the Tigers, I want to focus on my marriage partner even more this year.

I love family. Family is everything. So I do have parenting goals as well. As for Mountain Man and me, here's a really fun little thing I am doing and it just started. The Love Dare Challenge based on the movie, Fireproof. As in Fireproof your marriage. We loved the movie. And when I went to purchase the book, it was on back order so this is perfect for me.

Open my inbox and there is my Love Dare Challenge. This Works For Me Wednesday to keep my marriage a priority in 2009. What works for you and are you challenged with this year?


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  1. I'm so excited about this! Thanks so much for passing this info along. I just signed up. (It was tempting to sign my husband up too! :-) ) But, he's such a wonderfully giving and loving husband that I'm excited to secretely bless him in one of these ways each day. :-)

  2. I so need to see this movie! Here is the cool thing, by working and focusing on your amazing marriage, you are being a better parent on so many levels as well! Can't wait to see what this year has in store for you! Praying for a marriage revival across this great land!

  3. I haven't seen the movie, but I heard about this challenge on the radio on Monday. Check out
    Here's a link..

  4. I do have a list of followers. I failed to mention that in my e-mail back to you! Thanks for letting me know!

  5. Thank you for sharing this. I just bought the book last month, but haven't had a chance to sit down with it yet. The movie was incredible.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I love it when I hear of people that implement a Family Home Evening into your lives.... one little thing though :) The Mormon's actually read the Holy Bible - the Book of Mormon is just another testament of Jesus Christ... it's not a replacement of the bible by any means :)

    I bought 2 books - I handed one to my husband and told him no pressure that if he ever was interested in doing the Love Dare he could or if he didn't want to he didn't have to. I bought these a couple months ago and am just going to start it today... thanks to your post :) Haven't seen the movie yet though.

  7. loved the movie - i'm still a newly-wed, but i know that i need to stay on top of my game.

  8. Wow, in my in-box is perfect for me thanks so much!

  9. My husband and I bought the book too, but I admit we haven't cracked it open yet. Thanks for the reminder!! :)

  10. My husband and I saw the movie and loved it. Even after 25 years together, we still need these reminders to show each other love and affection. The 'Love Dare' is good for anyone at any stage in life.

    In Him,

  11. Aww. isn't that nice... Thanks for passing along the info!

  12. What a great idea! I haven't seen that movie. But I just know I spend so much time making sure I'm a great mom, but I forget how important it is to be a great wife, mostly because my great husband just goes along with everything. Thanks for the reminder!

  13. I was inspired after seeing the movie enough to purchase the book. It will require discipline to do the actual exercises- and the result has been interesting.


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